
Ext2Fsd: 0.41 is released!

Ext2Fsd is an open source linux ext2/ext3 file system driver for Windows systems (NT/2K/XP/VISTA, X86/AMD64). It could provide natively reading or writing access to your ext2/ext3 volumes under windows.

Release Notes for Ext2Fsd V0.41

Thanks to all the people who are supporting Ext2Fsd, especially:

Benjam_Valero_Espinosa, Beno_Huet, Cameron Villers, Dan Larsen, Eddie Chu, geo, Lewis Skinner, Pedro Lopes, Samuel thornhill

Modifications from V0.40:

Bugs/Problems Fixed:

1, Some files couldn't be shown in explorer with utf8 codepage
2, System always pops "device is busy" when removing USB disks

Features implemented:

1, Ext2Fsd: Updated codepage encodings to latest Linux kernel
2, Ext2Mgr: Added Chinese translation which is in high demand
Enhanced mountpoints management for removable devices

Features to be implemented in future:

1, Documents improvement: clear and elaborate
2, Performance improvement, code optimization
3, EXT3 features support (journal, htree)
4, LVM support
5, Pnp and removable (USB) disk support
6, Automatic check & update of new versions

Since 0.38, Ext2fsd is much stable even under heavy i/o loads,
both for reading and writing. Performance and stability are
highly, improved especially stability. A new and strong era of
Ext2Fsd in product shape is coming :)


The driver may crash your system and ruin your data unexpectedly,
since there might be software conflicts and I could only test it
on some of the popular platforms. You should use it with care and
use it at your own risk!

Matt <>

Posted by Matt Wu 2008-01-25

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