timofonic - 2015-12-15


I often share the same files to lots of people, each one of them prefer Dropbox or Google Drive.

I prefer to store my files on my main system, so I used this tool to mount my ETX4 partition. It works nice with Dropbox, but Google Drive complains it isn't a NTFS partition.

Any way to solve it?

I looked at NTFS symbolic links and NTFS Juntion points, but I have no idea about what to do. I'm totally newbie to this kind of filesystem magic.

I tried to do it maniually

C:\Windows\system32>mklink /J "C:\Users\John\Google Drive\" "X:\home\timofonic\D
Junction created for C:\Users\John\Google Drive\ <<===>> X:\home\timofonic\Dropb


no luck

EDIT: I tried it with Link Shell Extension, No way!

EDIT2: I found CloudSyncHelper but I have no damn idea bout how to install and use it. I see C# code but not an installer out there.

EDIT3: CloudSyncHelper author replied me and it seems I missunderstand the usage of his app. He also says it's still not ready for general usage.

Am I doing something wrong? What can I do? Please help me, my files are messy between both cloud sharing services.

Maybe these bugs are related in some way?

125 Symbolic link is reported as directory instead of JUNCTION

137 Problem with Firefox built-in downloader

114 Can't install Mozilla Addons on Ext3 drives

131 CreateFile fails if used with NTFS specific options (e.g. OpenReparsePoint)

128 Visual Studio cannot read .sdf files from ext volume

136 Issues with games

UPDATE 4!!!!!

I did the following...

Symbolic link clone

Drive now is merging shit from both Drive and Dropbox, I hope everything goes well...


No way! It gives tons of errors. I need to find about a better solution.

Thanks in advance.

PS: Are you considering switching to GitHub? Most malware filters detect Sourceforce as a dangerous site...

(Sorry for the awful formatting, I'm tired and not used to the new Sourceforge interface. It's messy to me.)


Last edit: timofonic 2015-12-19