Pedro Silva - 2008-04-03

I need to find an expression evaluator for C/C++ much like ExprEval, but with the additional features:
- the expression result may be of any type, not always double (in ExprEval only double is supported)
- the expression arguments may be of any type, and must not be preceded by special characters like '@'
When I say "any type" I mean Boolean, String, Color, or anything.
The purpose is to evaluate expressions like:
   if (boolAttr, '(0,255,0)', colorAttr)
     this expression returning a Color type value,
     and '(0,255,0)' being a color type constant
     and colorAttr being a color type variable

I found the source forge "Expression Engine" project that is exactly what I would need if I used Java. But I'm using C++...

Do you know about extensions to ExprEval or any other C/C++ project that meet my needs ?

Thanks in advance
