
Project eXpress Mail - 2001 / News: Recent posts

Focus change!?

Due to some enlightening comments, and a touch more research on my part, it seems that there is a very possible change in focus for Project XM2001. It now appears that the JavaMail API, with some changes in the way that it has been distributed, should now be appropriate for use in lieu of the Engine API. The main concern was whether or not the JavaMail API would be compact enough to be able to use in a limited environment, such as a J2ME device. ... read more

Posted by Matthew J. Corey 2001-01-05

Project eXpress Mail - 2001 Kickoff!

Are you interested in lending a hand to the cutting edge development of a totally open, totally modular, and totally pluggable email client system? Are you interested in giving your development skills, your networking or email expertise, or your general two cents to an email project starting from the ground up? Then check out the Project eXpress Mail - 2001 development pages at!... read more

Posted by Matthew J. Corey 2001-01-03