
#243 Monthly List view of Calendar broken Daylight Savings Time


On the Monthly List view of the calendar any events
after daylight savings time crossover date in the
month of March do not appear (they do appear on the
Calendar view, however). For 2007 any events after
March 11 do not appear, but they do prior to that
date. February and April works fine.

A similar bug was entered earlier but was closed by
filetreefog, but it does not appear to be resolved in
Exponent 96.3:


  • jacobmesu

    jacobmesu - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for your report. We are currently looking into this issue.

  • jacobmesu

    jacobmesu - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    Can you make a step by step instruction how to reproduce
    this bug? Or maybe you have a live site where you can show
    the error? I created an event on march 13th and it looked ok
    in 96.5 GA

    Please try our newest version 96.5RC4 and check if the bug
    still occures. If it does, please let me know it.

    Also remember that you have to choose existing content if
    you want to use a other view of the same calendar.

  • John Hagewood

    John Hagewood - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    Here is link to live site (I added code to tell user that
    there is a problem and they should click on calendar view
    for March):

    Would it be possible to selectively install only calendar
    portion of 96.5RC4 to see if problem goes away? (I would
    prefere to stick with 96.3-stable until the latest version
    is finalized). Thanks

  • jacobmesu

    jacobmesu - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    Copy the content of the zip file (latest version of
    calendar) to <<installdir>>/modules/.

  • jacobmesu

    jacobmesu - 2006-08-15

    New calendar module

  • jacobmesu

    jacobmesu - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    The file is at the bottom of this page. See attached files.

  • John Hagewood

    John Hagewood - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    Tried that, but nothing appears (even if I am logged in as
    admin, I can no longer see the container that the calendar
    resides in, and of course cannot see the calendar itself).
    Is something else required in order to have the new
    calendarmodule code take effect? (I have reverted back to
    old code for now).

  • John Hagewood

    John Hagewood - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    It would help if I gave you this error msg:

    [Tue Aug 15 09:49:31 2006]
    [error] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
    exponent_lang_loadfile() in
    on line 63

    Line 63 on class.php is:

    $i18n = exponent_lang_loadFile

  • jacobmesu

    jacobmesu - 2006-08-15

    Logged In: YES

    O sorry, I forgot that the new version has i18n implemented
    and other rather big changes. I'm sorry but I'm afraid
    you'll have to wait until the next version. I'm afraid there
    is no update available at this moment. But keep in mind that
    the next version has it all! A huge amount of bugfixes,
    security problems fixed. And we are close to the new
    release. All bug reports will be prioritized and fixed and
    then we pull the trigger.


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