

Fred L. Drake, Jr. Sebastian Pipping

This is James Clark's Expat XML parser library in C. It is a stream oriented parser that requires setting handlers to deal with the structure that the parser discovers in the document.

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  • albie callisto

    albie callisto - 2015-05-27


    Hoping you can assist me please?

    We are looking at packaging XM Parser for our new windows 7 environment. All of our packages will be deployed via SCCM. We test the source media then send it off to our packaging team (offshore). One of the questions that they ask is if the vendor can confirm that this is compatible with Windows 7. I have been searching for an answer through a few websites but cannot seem to find one. Normally an email from the vendor would be sufficient to proceed to packaging.

    Are you able to reply stating that it is compatible with Windows 7 please?


  • Mrinal Mishra

    Mrinal Mishra - 2017-11-15


    I am using EXPAT library for parsing XML file in Linux centos envirnment.
    I could not find any example on how to include "another/external XML file" from a "Main" XML file using expat library . What could be the syntax to be used in main XML file.
    For example : "Main" XML file

    ]> <doc> <foo> <bar>&otherFile;</bar> </foo> </doc>

    "otherFile.xml" containes: <baz>this is my content</baz>

    Could you please suggest whether it is supported in expat or not . Also please provide some reference example if available.

    Thanks and Regards,


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