
Auto-place crafting item on quickbar

  • John Imafraid Doe

    What conditions must be fulfilled in order to get Skilla to place the "new" item to be crafted on the quickbar after doing an auto buy?

    Right now this is the only thing that I have to do manually in the whole crafting routine; Alt-Tab to Skilla and click the Q-button.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-01-24

      You must:
      -- Arrive at the forge node (log will display "I am at the forge")
      -- Powerskill Buy must be open
      -- Your profile INI must have AutoQuickbarSlot set to non zero

      • John Imafraid Doe

        I guess AutoQuicBarSlot doesn't quite cut it eh? (Note missing 'k'). Thanks Teerex - your response time and help is amazing.

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2004-01-24

          LOL what's really funny is that I typoed it the same way too in my response.  Must be the those tin foil hats we wear that make us forget the 'k'.

    • gifpaste cheezwiz

      not sure if you meant response, but in your zip file from the homepage, the Spellcrafting-example.ini has the typo which I think most are copying from :P (myself included)

      at any rate, I thought I was going mad reading the documentation over and over again,

      nothing like trying to debug a typo in code, stupid brain always trying to tell me what i think it should look like!

      anyways, thanks for this great tool yet again!

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2004-01-25

        Hey you're right, look at that.  I guess I always spell Quic like that.


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