
Enterprise Volume Management System / News: Recent posts

EVMS 1.1.0 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

This is the first full release of what will eventually become EVMS 2.0. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-08-01

EVMS Assigned A Permanent Major Number

As of release 1.1.0-pre4, EVMS has been assigned a new major number. The old major, 63, was a number reserved for experimental drivers. The new major, 117, will be assigned to EVMS permanently.

When you download and install 1.1.0-pre4 or later, please see for instructions on how the new major number might affect you.

If you have any questions, please email us at read more

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-07-06

Updated LILO Patches Released

As of release 1.1.0-pre4, EVMS has been assigned a new, permanent major number: 117. Accordingly, the patches to include EVMS support in LILO have been updated to reflect this new major number. In addition, a new patch has been released against LILO version 22.3.1, in addition to the existing patch for version 22.2.

If you have been using the LILO patch with EVMS, please see for instruction on how to update your system correctly for EVMS version 1.1.0-pre4 or later.... read more

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-07-05

EVMS 1.0.1 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

This is the second full release of the EVMS project. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-05-08

EVMS Experimental FSIM Released

The EVMS team has released an experimental File System Interface Module (FSIM), for use with the 1.0.0 EVMS package. This FSIM is based on and requires libparted version 1.6.x. It supports ext2 and FAT filesystems, and allows creation, checking, and resizing (offline).

For this FSIM to work, you need to download and install the latest version of GNU Parted, which is available at: This FSIM requires the development version, 1.6.x. It will not work properly with the latest stable version, 1.4.x.... read more

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-03-29

EVMS 1.0.0 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

This is the first full release of the EVMS project. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-03-29

EVMS 0.9.2 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

This is the third release in the EVMS beta series. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-03-12

EVMS Support For LILO Available

The EVMS team has released a patch against LILO version 22.2 to allow kernel images to be stored on EVMS volumes. The necessary EVMS support is available as of version 0.9.2 (or current CVS on Feb 20, 2002). To make use of this new support, please download the latest LILO source from and apply the patch available in the Files section ( of the EVMS project page. Then follow the instructions in the LILO package to build and install the new version of LILO.... read more

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-02-20

EVMS 0.9.1 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

This is the second release in the EVMS beta series. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-02-14

EVMS packages available for Debian

The Debian project ( has just announced that EVMS packages have been included in the Debian "unstable/Sid" distribution, and should be available in the "Woody" distribution shortly. We would like to thank Matt Zimmerman for all of his help in getting EVMS included in this release.

You can find the EVMS Debian packages at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-01-29

EVMS FAQ Released

The EVMS project has released a new Frequently Asked Questions document, which can be found in the "Docs" section of the EVMS website:

As additional questions come in through the mailing list or bug reports, this FAQ (as well as the EVMS Howto) will be updated, and provide a central location for information on setting up and using EVMS.

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-01-24

EVMS 0.9.0 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

The latest packaged version of the EVMS project has been released. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2002-01-21

EVMS 0.2.4 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

The latest packaged version of the EVMS project has been released. It is available for download at the project web site:

Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-12-17

EVMS 0.2.3 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

The latest packaged version of the EVMS project has been released. It is available for download at the project web site:
Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-11-07

EVMS 0.2.2 Released

The latest packaged version of the EVMS project has been released. It is available for download at the project web site:
Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-11-04

EVMS 0.2.1 Released

The EVMS Project uses a layered, plug-in model to provide unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing storage. This allows for easy expansion or customization of various levels of volume management.

The latest packaged version of the EVMS project has been released. It is available for download at the project web site:
Please see the notes and changelog at:

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-10-22

EVMS Roadmap posted

Ever wonder what features are being included in EVMS? Ever wonder when they might be done? Well, check out the new Roadmap in the Docs section to get some insight.

Posted by Steven Pratt 2001-09-26

EVMS 0.2.0 Released

Version 0.2.0 of the EVMS project has just been released. In addition to the latest code, a new Howto document is available. This comes as part of the 0.2.0 package, and is also available on this web site under the "Docs" section.

Highlights for version 0.2.0
- EVMS now supports stacking of segment
(partition) managers
- EVMS now supports stacking of region managers
(VGEs). Stacking is only allowed within the
layer, i.e. no segment managers on top of
region managers.
- Many GUI enhancements
- Context (right mouse button) pop-ups
- Destroy
- Remove
- Extended information
- Volume create
- Engine console messages are now written to a
log file
- /var/log/evmsEngine.log or user specified
- log file is versioned (last 10 saved)
- Command line now has query support, although
very little has been tested
- System Data layout has changed slightly
- OS/2 VGE kernel code is done, supports OS/2
BBR and DriveLink volumes
- AIX code enhanced, mirroring started, but
not yet functional.
- BBR feature available in the Engine
- Drive Link Feature available in the Engine
- Default Region manager deleted (no longer
- LVM and AIX segment managers deleted (no
longer needed)

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-09-16

New file added to EVMS 0.1.5

evms-0.1.5a.tar.gz was added to the 0.1.5 release of EVMS, and contains a new kernel patch that will apply against kernel 2.4.[89].

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-08-27

EVMS 0.1.5 released

New version of EVMS released, changelog follows.

v0.1.5 - 8/13/01
- OS/2 kernel VGE code dropped, not in build process yet.
- EVMS BBR feature now functional in the kernel
- 1st drop of EVMS BBR code in Engine. minimal testing, discover only
- Drive Linking code in the Engine now functional, except for task interface.
- LVM Utilities added pvcreate, vgextend, vgreduce, vgremove
- More commands added to the command line, minimal testing
- More function in GUI, still display only.
- Automatic creation of EVMS dev tree and nodes, no need for manual mknod anymore.... read more

Posted by Steven Pratt 2001-08-14

EVMS 0.1.4 Released

New packaged version of EVMS released

Code highlights:
- New Engine List functions for listing Volumes,
Objects, Regions,....
- Task and Options interface is functional
- SnapShot Feature is functional in the Engine
for creating and deleting snapshots.
- Linux LVM Engine code is partially done
- Create Container
- 4 Linux LVM Compatibility Utilities complete
- vgscan, lvscan, pvscan, vgcreate
- More 64bit sector offset enablement code
- First drop of cmdline. Scanning, parsing and
support of Revert command.
- First drop of GUI, only display functions, many
changes coming.
- AIX Read and (maybe) Write support for basic
- 1st drop of Engine Drive Linking Feature.
(discover only)
- First drop of BBR runtime code (not functional

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-07-24

EVMS 0.1.3 Released

New packaged version of EVMS Released:

Runtime (kernel-space) highlights:
- Sync'd runtime and engine plugin IDs
- Fixed bug in quiesce
- init_io optimizations (variable block sizes)
- Support for Sun x86 Solaris, UNIXWare, and BSD
- Initial release of AIX module (still under
- Minor numbers stored in EVMS System Data now
honored at discovery time

Engine (user-space) highlights:
- Engine and Dlist code now built with autoconf
- Task Structure defined for UI interactions
- Initial release of Engine code for Snapshot
Feature (still under development)
- Initial release of Engine code for Linux LVM
module (still under development)
- Feature Discovery available in the Engine
- Engine API cleanup
- DOS (default) Segment available for the Engine
- Write support enable for Engine Plugins

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-06-26

EVMS 0.1.2 Released

New packaged version of EVMS Released:

Runtime (kernel-space) highlights:
- Updates for the 2.4.5 kernel
- Performance improvements for init_io
- Improved error handling during Feature loading
- Fixed SMP race condition (submitted by Andi Kleen)
- Debugging for internal memory management

Engine (user-space) highlights:
- Headers for UI interface
- OS/2 segment manager plugin

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-06-05

GUI Design Document released

The initial draft of the GUI design document has been released. It is available off of our home page, or directly at

Posted by Steven Pratt 2001-06-05

EVMS 0.1.0 Released

New packaged version of EVMS Released:

Kernel-space highlights include a new Drive-Linking feature, completed EVMS snapshotting, improved Linux LVM error handling, and updates to the 2.4.4 Linux kernel

Engine (user-space) highlights include basic discovery for disks, segments, and regions, and improved Dlist list management.

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-05-21