
EVMS 0.2.0 Released

Version 0.2.0 of the EVMS project has just been released. In addition to the latest code, a new Howto document is available. This comes as part of the 0.2.0 package, and is also available on this web site under the "Docs" section.

Highlights for version 0.2.0
- EVMS now supports stacking of segment
(partition) managers
- EVMS now supports stacking of region managers
(VGEs). Stacking is only allowed within the
layer, i.e. no segment managers on top of
region managers.
- Many GUI enhancements
- Context (right mouse button) pop-ups
- Destroy
- Remove
- Extended information
- Volume create
- Engine console messages are now written to a
log file
- /var/log/evmsEngine.log or user specified
- log file is versioned (last 10 saved)
- Command line now has query support, although
very little has been tested
- System Data layout has changed slightly
- OS/2 VGE kernel code is done, supports OS/2
BBR and DriveLink volumes
- AIX code enhanced, mirroring started, but
not yet functional.
- BBR feature available in the Engine
- Drive Link Feature available in the Engine
- Default Region manager deleted (no longer
- LVM and AIX segment managers deleted (no
longer needed)

Posted by Kevin Corry 2001-09-16

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