
#4 EV9: EVDirectory Database Schema Change

David R

In Enterprise Vault 9, the EnterpriseVaultDirectory schema has changed. This affects joining the ExchangeMailboxEntry (EME) and ExchangeServerEntry (ESE) tables. Originally (EV8 and prior, perhaps), the join was:

EME.ExchangeServerIdentity = ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity

In EV9, the required join is via the ExchangeMailboxStore (EMS) table, like so:

EME.MbxStoreIdentity = EMS.MbxStoreIdentity AND EMS.ExchangeServerIdentity = ESE.ExchangeServerIdentity

Likely to affect the following queries and pages:
* ExchangeLegacyDNs.asp
* inc_Archiving_Activity.vbs
* inc_Archiving_Activity_Databases.vbs
* inc_Enabled_Mailboxes.vbs
* inc_Over_Receive_Limit.vbs
* inc_Over_Send_Limit.vbs
* inc_Over_Warning_Limit.vbs
* inc_UsageReportByArchive.vbs


  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-15

    This one is going to involve some heavily lifting. I essentially need to add a new option to the configuration page for pre-9.0 installations and also 9.0 and newer installations. Then each of these files will need to be updated to use an alternative SQL query depending on the option chosen.

  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-15
    • labels: --> Known Issue - Complex Fix
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jprknight0117
  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-20
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-20

    Opened topic in developers forum to post updates on this one.

  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-20
    • status: open-accepted --> pending-accepted
  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-20

    I have made updates to trunk which I hope provide a platform for the alternative 9.0 SQL queries.

    For the moment I have applied the fix to inc_over_receive_limit.vbs. Does anyone have a 9.0 installation to test this with?

  • jprknight

    jprknight - 2011-02-20
    • priority: 5 --> 8

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