
#60 Ettercap: bug after the scan

Bug (17)

hello world,

i have a probem with the latest version of ettercap. After the scan host on the interface eth0, ettercap display a error message "Oops, Segmentation fault ...".
Before with the old version, ettercap worked well.
i'm running kubuntu 12.04.

Thank you in advance


  • Gianfranco Costamagna

    Hi thanks for your report, unfortunately ubuntu doesn't sync his ettercap with this upstream project anymore, so I can suggest you to try to build this version or maybe the ettercap_rc branch and tell us if the problem persists.

    There were two problem about segfault in scan for host function and they were both fixed in recent versions.

    (one was a bad cast and the other a problem about thread handling).

  • mandiau

    mandiau - 2012-06-06

    Thank you, i will look the function ( scan host ) and i will inform !
    But i think the problem is the new kernel (3.2...) of ubuntu 12.04. Because i use also backtrack 5R2 with the kernel 2.6 and not problem.

  • Emilio A. Escobar

    Are you running with any plugins? Have you modified the etter.conf file to set UID/GID to 0? Are you running it as root?


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