
eTest Student-Testing Package / News: Recent posts

eTest forum launced

We have launched the eTest forums for all users. You can locate it at Log on and discuss anything eTest related as well as anything else that may be on your mind.

Posted by Craig P Jolicoeur 2003-12-08

eTest ASP website

The original eTest ASP project has been put online so users and developers can see how the project initial operated. Check it now.

Posted by Craig P Jolicoeur 2003-12-03

eTest 0.5_ASP Released

We have released the initial ASP version of eTest. This is the version that we will be converting to PHP and expanding upon. We have provided this ASP version so you can see what the software can already do, and how it will be generally laid out and used. Please download and test out this package and give us feedback by way of comments, suggestions, etc...

The first PHP release should be available soon.... read more

Posted by Craig P Jolicoeur 2003-11-26

eTest Launch

eTest has been launched. We are currently seeking anyone interested in comtributing to the project by way of PHP coding, testing, doc writing, etc... If you are interested please let us know. The first version of eTest should be release shortly. Stay tuned...

Posted by Craig P Jolicoeur 2003-11-25