
Bug report

JM Almeras
  • JM Almeras

    JM Almeras - 2014-04-23

    I wish to report the following : When installing Essential Excel add-in on my job Windows 7 laptop with Excel 2010, I have stunning anomalies within the VBA project.
    It so happens that I am myself developping an Excel App on Excel 2003, and recently I tried to make it work on my job laptop and had the same sort of astonishing anomaly (as if everything was messed up, Automation error, impossibility to save the file...) I ended up finding what was wrong : it is the progress bar control which I was using on a userform and which was introducing these weird phenomena. I ended up replacing the progress bar with two frames.
    To be complete on my report, I must say that I had the opportunity of opening my Excel file on another computer with Excel 2010, exactly the same version - subversion as the one on my laptop, yet everything was working fine. The only difference I could see between that computer and my laptop is that my laptop has Windows 7 enterprise whereas the other computer on which it worked has Windows 7 home edition.
    I hope this can be helpful just in case someone experiences great anomalies with the Excel Essential add-in under Excel 2010.

    • SteveT

      SteveT - 2014-04-23

      BY any chance, do you have Office x64 installed? This has known issues with any 32 bit controls.


      Last edit: SteveT 2014-04-25
      • JM Almeras

        JM Almeras - 2014-04-23

        No it is Office 32 bits


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