Marco Oros - 2015-05-21

I try to use a korean Espeak. I know, this language is in test. Ofcourse, it countains some mistakes, but this is OK, due the text version.
But, I notice something. Why do You prefer to use a synokorean numbers, not national? Where are those numbers used? Maybe, this is not mistake, but I am interested to this fascinating language.
Next, I would like to notice You about palatalisation of letter S in this cases with explanation.
Now, I would like to write in korean romanization and after that how to pronounce It.
si - shi
sja - sha
sjo -sho
sju -shu
Maybe It help more. Because I am not good with programming.
I know, that You have one idea about those people, who created It, implement a Korean to Espeak. This is a nice idea and big thanks to It. Also, I know some rules, how to write a Hangul and I have started to interest about korean culture.
Thank You, Marco Oros.