
#115 espeak on freeBSD ?

v1.0 (example)
freebsd (1)
fred vs

I use freeBSD 10 64 bit and cannot do espeak work.
I try also to compile from src but get compilation errors.

Does it exist a binary of espeak working on freeBSD 64 bit ?
How must i do to compile espeak in freeBSD ?



  • Jonathan Duddington

    • fred vs

      fred vs - 2014-08-20

      Hello Jonhatan.

      Thanks for fast answer ;-) .

      The obvious question is:

      What are the compilation errors? =>

      [[fred@pcbsd-fred] /usr/home/fred/espeaksrc/src# gmake
      g++ -O2 -DUSE_PORTAUDIO -D PATH_ESPEAK_DATA=\"/usr/share/espeak-data\" -Wall -pedantic -I. -c -fno-exceptions speak.cpp
      gmake: g++ : commande introuvable
      gmake: *** [speak.o] Erreur 127

      What audio output library is available on BSD?

      Hum, i have install portaudio for freeBSD.

      Some remarks :=> I was not able to use espeak from freeBSD-port. (after installing from port, i did not find the espeak nor speak executable.)

      freeBSD 64 bit can only do run 32 bit Linux-executables. I have then try to do run espeak-Linux-32-bit but there are some problem with portaudio (the installed on freeBSD is 64 bit and, of course, espeak-Linux-32-bit need a bit.) => i am busy to install a (old) freeBSD 32 bit and will compile portaudio on it. And will try to use that with espeak-Linux-32-bit on a freeBSD-64 machine.

      So, to resume, espeak will work (i hope) on freeBSD 64 bit only if :

      espeak was compiled on freeBSD 64 bit ( and the result is a 64 bit freeBSD executable) +
      needed a 64 bit.

      espeak was compiled on a Linux 32 bit + 32 bit.

      Hope you see the problem.

      PS: Have you try to install espeak on freeBSD 64 bit ? If yes, how did you do it ?

      Many thanks and have a perfect summer.


  • Jonathan Duddington

    The obvious question is:
    What are the compilation errors?

    What audio output library is available on BSD?

    • fred vs

      fred vs - 2014-08-20

      Hello Jonhatan.

      Thanks for fast answer ;-) .

      The obvious question is:
      What are the compilation errors? =>

      [[fred@pcbsd-fred] /usr/home/fred/espeaksrc/src# gmake
      g++ -O2 -DUSE_PORTAUDIO -D PATH_ESPEAK_DATA=\"/usr/share/espeak-data\" -Wall -pedantic -I. -c -fno-exceptions speak.cpp
      gmake: g++ : commande introuvable
      gmake: *** [speak.o] Erreur 127

      What audio output library is available on BSD?

      Hum, i have install portaudio for freeBSD.

      Some remarks :=> I was not able to use espeak from freeBSD-port. (after installing from port, i did not find the espeak nor speak executable.)

      freeBSD 64 bit can only do run 32 bit Linux-executables. I have then try to do run espeak-Linux-32-bit but there are some problem with portaudio (the installed on freeBSD is 64 bit and, of course, espeak-Linux-32-bit need a bit.) => i am busy to install a (old) freeBSD 32 bit and will compile portaudio on it. And will try to use that with espeak-Linux-32-bit on a freeBSD-64 machine.

      So, to resume, espeak will work (i hope) on freeBSD 64 bit only if :

      espeak was compiled on freeBSD 64 bit ( and the result is a 64 bit freeBSD executable) +
      needed a 64 bit.

      espeak was compiled on a Linux 32 bit + 32 bit.

      Hope you see the problem.

      PS: Have you try to install espeak on freeBSD 64 bit ? If yes, how did you do it ?

      Many thanks and have a perfect summer.


  • fred vs

    fred vs - 2014-08-21

    I have try to run espeak/linux/32bit and in freeBSD 64 bit.
    With no luck. ;-(

    Here error message :

    [fred@pcbsd-fred] /usr/home/fred# ./speak_x86
    ./speak_x86: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ ELF file OS ABI invalid

    Doe you have a idea how to solve that (or espeak would not work on freeBSD 64 bit) ?



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