
"Title not found"

  • mollat

    mollat - 2007-02-11

    Hello all you cool guys who coded this tool and saved me hours of time and piles of money,

    there is one auction that does not work:

    > Auction 170079826881: Title not found
    > Retrying...
    > Auction 170079826881: Title not found
    > Retrying...
    > Auction 170079826881: Title not found

    All other auctions do fine - so just for your interest. Here is the logfile for this auction (however - I can't read anything senseful in it... ;-)

    Regards & have a nice day,
    Andreas from Germany

    P.S.: O/S is OpenBSD 3.8

    • Rolf

      Rolf - 2007-02-12

      170079826881 work fine here.  Are you possibly using an old version of esniper?  What does "esniper -v" say?

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-12

        Works for me, too.  Can you get this page on your computer:

        And send it to me?  If you are using linux, you should be able to use wget, i.e.

        wget ''

        • mollat

          mollat - 2007-02-12

          Hello Scott,

          Your requested wget output his here:

          esniper -v reports:

          > esniper version 2.15.0

          The Problem is still there. Maybe it is something with the locales, as I am a german bidder? I got the Page '' also and put it here, as it seems to differ in certain items:

          Thanks for your interest,


          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2007-02-12

            I bet you forgot the single quotes around the URL.  You probably did this:


            The shell interprets the "&" as "put wget in the background", and then item=... is a separate command (you are setting an environment variable).

            Please do it again, but this time leave in the quotes:

            wget ''

            As for being a German user, this make no difference, esniper always uses the US site and english locale.  From feedback I get, it appears that the country with the most esniper users is Germany.

    • mollat

      mollat - 2007-02-12

      Unbelievable, that someone like me can earn his money as a unix admin...

      Here again with quotes:

      And a ngrep trace for the whole esniper startup (filtered for port 80)

      Regards, Andreas

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-12

        Unbelievable I earn money programming!

        I guess wget obeys locale.  Oops, that messed things up.  Can you try one more time?

        LC_ALL=C wget ''

    • mollat

      mollat - 2007-02-12

      ... done. Same link like above:

      Regards, Andreas

    • mollat

      mollat - 2007-02-12

      I just had a try with my Xubuntu Linux @ home and the same results ("Title not found").

      However - the error message even shows up now after the auction has ended (I had to snipe by hand this time... ;-)

      And - interesting - this auction seemed to have been some new auction type. It had 4 equal items with optional instant buy or bidding (??? I never saw this before...). So Ebay asked me for the bidding price AND for a quantity when bidding. Now I got two Items for the same bidding price (start price).

      Regards, Andreas

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-12

        I figured it out, thanks to your description of what was different.

        I patched esniper to work with this style of auction on 27/11/06.  I though I was testing your problem with 2.15.0, but I was actually using the CVS head.

        So, there is a fix for this already.  I really should get out a minor release done to get a few bug fixes distributed.

        Thanks for your patience, sorry I didn't figure this out sooner.

    • mollat

      mollat - 2007-02-12

      Oh, cool - I will wait in patience for any new release.

      If you like (and it seems like you do) I will post further issues here. I had also in the meantime (since 2.15.0) some problems with esniper oversleeping auctions. So esniper said "sleeping for a day" or something, allthough the auction ended in an hour... ;-) But I had this only once and so I ignored it. Next time I will post here.

      Thanks a lot again for esniper and your support.


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-12

        If you find an example of esniper over-sleeping, please post a bug report.

        However, just keep in mind that if you place a bid on an auction, and you are currently the top bid, esniper will follow that auction even if it is not the one ending soonest.  I plan to make some changes that will help reduce this happening.

        • mollat

          mollat - 2007-02-12

          As I try to remember, I think the problem disappeared after I cut out lots of comment lines. I think esniper had problems with my habit to insert multiple comment lines with german 'umlauts' and date/timestamps of the following auctions. But this is only a vague guess, because this is already about 4 weeks ago. Last week I lost three (very minor) auctions in a row because esniper did not bet, but I will keep my eyes open now and post a sample auction.txt if this happens again.

          Regards, Andreas

    • mollat

      mollat - 2007-02-12

      > However, just keep in mind that if you place a bid on an auction,
      > and you are currently the top bid, esniper will follow that auction
      > even if it is not the one ending soonest. I plan to make some changes
      > that will help reduce this happening.

      AAHHH - I remember - this should have been exact the problem 4 weeks ago... There was an auction several days in advance which (what I usually never do) I already bet an Euro to void the "buy it now" option... When I shortened the auction.txt I probably temporarily commented out this auction because it was not urgent. And on the next days someone surely overbid me and the auction worked fine again...

      Puh - what a nasty litte bug... ;-)

      Thanks again, Andreas

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-12

        It's not a bug, it's a feature ;-)

        esniper tries to be conservative, because it would rather not make you buy more stuff than you want.  A "don't be conservative" flag is on the todo list.


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