
#647 Automated esniper bug report - esniper version 2.28.0

v1.0 (example)
Aron Quells
    Automated esniper bug report.
    esniper version 2.28.0
    libcurl/7.22.0 GnuTLS/2.12.14 zlib/ libidn/1.23 librtmp/2.3
    Error encountered in function ebayLogin in auction.c line 440
    auction = 191091077165, price = 16, remain = 150540
    latency = 9, result = -1, error = 19
    buf = 0x7f4eb2205010, size = 480388, read = 0x7f4eb2205010
    time = 1394561268, offset = 0
    pagename = "Watch list", pageid = "(null)", srcid = "(null)"
    specified options or config values:
      1 x username(u) = ***
      1 x password() = ***
      1 x seconds(s) = 5

      1 x reduce() = 1
      1 x bid() = 1
      1 x debug(d) = 0
      1 x batch(b) = 0
      1 x logdir(l) = "/home/aron/"
    unknown pageinfo

then upload and attach esniper.15076.1.bug.html and click submit.
Latency: 9 seconds
Auction 191091077165: Login failed
Cannot find auction - internet or eBay problem?
Will try again after sleep.
Tue Mar 11 19:07:50 2014: Sleeping for 15 hours 48 minutes

1 Attachments


  • Aron Quells

    Aron Quells - 2014-03-13

    SOLVED!! It has been the same login issue described in bug:

    As per holly's and "lost's" instructions, I modified line 426+ of auction.c as follows:


    (!strncasecmp(pp->pageName, "MyeBay", 6) ||
    !strncasecmp(pp->pageName, "My eBay", 7))


    (!strncasecmp(pp->pageName, "MyeBay", 6) ||
    !strncasecmp(pp->pageName, "My eBay", 7) ||
    !strncasecmp(pp->pageName, "Watch list", 10) ||
    !strncasecmp(pp->pageName, "User Agreement", 10))

    For Ubuntu 13.04 users: I had to install "curl-config" with the command:

    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

    Now all works well for me again!

  • Bodo

    Bodo - 2014-03-13

    In your case the check for "Watch list" fixes the problem. I don't know if other possible page titles may occur after a successful login.

    Maybe the check for "User Agreement" is not useful. If ebay displays a user agreement you might have to use an "I agree" button or similar to continue.

  • Aron Quells

    Aron Quells - 2014-03-13

    Thank you Bodo for looking into my case! I will try your suggestions in case things derail again. For the moment - fingers crossed - all is working well.

  • Bodo

    Bodo - 2014-03-13

    No need to change anything. Probably the additional comparison is simply useles.
    If you should ever get a "User Agreement" page after login, esniper will probably fail anyway because ebay might not let you through to bidding without doing something special. Esniper is not designed to automatically "click" through these additional pages. You will have to log in manually and decide/confirm/agree to whatever ebay may want from you.

  • Bodo

    Bodo - 2014-04-02

    fixed in 2.29.0

  • Bodo

    Bodo - 2014-04-02
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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