
Esftp 1.1.0 released!


Congratulations!! We have a new version, after about more than a year, I've decided to get my arse into gear and do some bloody work.

So here it is, the shiny new Esftp 1.1.0.

Whilst nothing much has changed, what has is thus

1. It works with Eclipse 3.3 (I use it everyday)

2. It now supports SFTP servers which are setup to use KeyboardAuthentication instead of Password Authentication, which was causing some people headaches (including myself)

3. There is now NO esftp-lib, I've decided that it was a good idea, but caused too many people to email me and ask why it doesnt work (even though the download actually has full instructions). Actually, I found that people downloaded esftp 10,000 times, but only downloaded esftp-lib about 5,000 times, so basically 50% of everyone out there, didnt have a working copy of esftp (I think)

Thats about it, the next version, will be out shortly and will add FTP support to the mix, I am also playing with adding ignore file options, so stay tuned!

Posted by Chris Thomas 2007-07-19

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