
Importing .study file: non-existent field 'subNames'.

  • Tom Sambrook

    Tom Sambrook - 2017-05-24

    Dear Joe,

    I wonder if you could help me with what I hope is a mundane request.

    I am having trouble importing a .study file. I have up to date copies of everything

    EEGLAB v14.10
    Fieldtrip 20170511

    There is nothing odd-looking about the study file and associated files when I inspect it in EEGLAB. When I try to read it into EP I get the error message below

    Reference to non-existent field 'subNames'.

    Error in ep_mergeEPfiles (line 370)

    Error in ep_readData (line 1788)

    Error in ep>readFiles (line 10511)

    Error in ep (line 3177)

    Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

    Is this a bug?

    While it seems unlikely to be the cause, one curiosity I should mention is that these files were originally Brain Vison Analyzer files, converted to mat files and then EEGLAB files. This necessitated the use of the pop_loadbva() function for conversion from Matlab to EEGLAB files. This function is strangely missing from the download of EEGLAB 14 despite it being mentioned in the documentation (and was missing again when I re-downloaded). I had to lift it from an old installation (13.4) and drop it in to version 14 in order to perform the conversion. I thought I had better mention this just in case this is relevant to the missing “subnames”.

    Many thanks,


  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2017-05-24

    Hi, I tried reading them in and had no problem. Could you include a screenshot of your EP Toolkit settings so I can see better what you were trying to do? Also, if you send any more sets of files like this, could you use a .zip file to bundle them up first?

  • Tom Sambrook

    Tom Sambrook - 2017-05-25

    Hi Joe,
    Thanks for your very quick attention to this. I've attached a screenshot of my menu selections. I hope this what you meant. Clicking where it says "Open" results in the error messages and failed import. Sorry for the unbundled files.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2017-05-28

    Well, I've tried reading in the files on my own computer with the same version of files that you are using and using Windows 10 and I'm still not reproducing your error message. If you're up for it, I'll need you to help me drill down to what is happening on your computer. First of all, I need you to type ver and send me the output. Second, I need you to type in the command window: dbstop if error
    then try reading the file again. When it errors out, it'll be in debugging mode, denoted by a K>> prompt.
    Then type save sambrookError
    and then send me the sambrookError.mat file that it creates.
    afterwards you can just restart Matlab to get back to normal.


  • Tom Sambrook

    Tom Sambrook - 2017-05-30

    Dear Joe,
    Thanks for getting back to me. I've attached the ver output and the mat file with the error infomration. I am using Windows 7. I hope I am not doing something dense

  • Tom Sambrook

    Tom Sambrook - 2017-05-30

    I'm not sure one of the files made it on to the last post so here it is

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2017-05-30

    It seems I had already fixed this problem without realizing it when I fixed another bug so all good! I'm sending you the link to the fixed version. I'll post an official update in a bit.


  • Tom Sambrook

    Tom Sambrook - 2017-05-31

    This works a treat.
    Thanks a lot, Joe


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