
Eridu - Web based Groupware / News: Recent posts

Eridu Team's New Year Resolution

In the works of Deepak Kumar Vasudevan:

"Let us bring back Eridu in 2005 by a more systematic planning strategy."

Posted by Anonymous 2005-01-01

Project Status - 12/30/2004

This project is alive and looking for more developers.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-12-30

Project Status

Hi Everyone...
Currently the Eridu project is on hold.
We need more help, on a regular basis.
This Big project cannot be coded by only one person. Currently Eridu Work Very well on a Windows, and Linux Platform. We Need CSS Coder, And Experienced PHP Coder.

Many Bug has been Squached. But many Feature Need to be Implemented.


Posted by Dominic Mathon 2001-08-12

Whats New ?

We are in the process of making a few big changes to the Eridu system. Most of the code has been written, and over the next couple of days we will implement the new changes. The demo site has been put on hold until this work is complete.

The new architecture will allow users to share their specific modules(email,calendar, address book) with other users. This also includes giving specific permissions to certain users. This is a giant leap in making Eridu a groupware application.... read more

Posted by Scott Bradshaw 2001-01-22

Project Status

Well, the holidays are over, and a few of us spent some time coding and got tons of stuff accomplished. There is too much to mention it all, but there were improvements in the Calendar, E-mail, Internationalization, and error Handling and Loging.

We still have ALOT of work to do though, and are looking for serious, dedicated people who would like to contribute to the project.

Additionaly, we made some changes in our release plans. Initially, we were planing on releasing a 1.0 version with limited functionality, followed up a couple of months later by a 2.0 version that contained "all the features you could want in a groupware suite". However, we decided that that should REALLY be the goal for the 1.0 release.... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2001-01-02

Eridu 0.9.1 is released!

Eridu 0.9.1 fixes some major problems with the install procedure and a few other glaringly large bugs.

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-12-10

Eridu 0.9.0 is released!

The Eridu team is proud to present Eridu 0.9.0!
This is a BETA release which will allow people to see all the great thing coming when release 1.0! We also hope to get lots of feedback and bug reports so that we can make the best product possible!

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-12-02

Status reports for the week of: 10/31 - 11/6

Chris Henesy:
-Project Admin
-Small code changes everywhere

Scott Bradshaw:
-Got attachments working with E-mail, Address book, Calendar.
-Address book table was changed to allow attachments up to 4 gigs per contact.
(Previous value was 65K, which wasn't very much)
-Admin utility redone for Editing Users

Jeff Coyle:
- Added javadoc docs for functions
- Added error handleing and loging

Jason Eshraghi:
-Made minor UI tweaks across system.
-Worked on replacing the remaining MS gifs.
-Moved help files to their own folders and reestablished links.
-Created help pages for the admin tool... needs a bit more work.
-Started making calls to error log functions.
-Made screenshots for those who needed them.
-Added some JavaDoc tags.... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-11-15

Status reports for the week of: 10/24 - 10/30

Chris Henesy:
-Misc. Code tweaks
-Project management tasks

Scott Bradshaw:
-Resized Windows (set the width of tables to 100% rather than a set
resolution (this should be done everywhere))
-Other small things

James McKernan:
- Made title bars of email, calendar, and addrbook consistent
- Implemented First stage of GUTS 2.0 - Email tree completely
functioning. Next step, the addrbook.

Jeff Coyle:
(no report)... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-11-01

Status reports for the week of: 10/17 - 10/23

Chris Henesy:
-Misc. Code tweaks
-Project management tasks

Scott Bradshaw:
-Resized Windows (set the width of tables to 100% rather than a set
resolution (this should be done everywhere))
-Other small things

James McKernan:
- Worked on GUTS 2.0 - decided new tree javascript would work well with
what we're trying to do and beginning implementation.

Jeff Coyle:
(no report)

Jason Eshragi:
(no report)... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-11-01

Status reports for the week of: 10/10 - 10/16

Chris Henesy:
-Worked on the GAL
-Worked on the new user creation wizard
-Helped everyone with various misc. items

Scott Bradshaw:
-Worked on Task list
-Worked on MIME support
-Started User Options

James McKernan:
-Added Calendar, tasks, signoff to GUTS
-Worked on getting Addrbook working with GUTS
-Took a look at the new tree implementation.

Jeff Coyle:
-Updated web page and cleaned out the crap that was on there.
-Fixed small bugs in GAL
-Prepared for Midterm Presentation
-about to start writing Log file stuff... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-10-18

Status reports for the week of: 10/3 - 10/9

Chris Henesy:
-Worked on rewrite of admin utility
-Helped fix up the gal
-Fixed doc root problem and include statements
-UI tweeks

Scott Bradshaw:
-Various changes around the system....
-GAL Working with Email
-All buttons work on Contact window
-Compose New works on all windows

James McKernan:
- Worked on implementing GUTS: entails modification of current emailIS's and
addrbookIS's to echo out the appropriate JavaScript to build and display the UI tree, as well as making it work with multiple ISTypes.... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-10-11

Status reports for the week of: 9/26 - 10/2

Chris Henesy:
-Began work on Admin Util rewrite
-Wrote Eridu Coding Standards Doc
-Helped with new GAL UI implementation

Scott Bradshaw:
-Admin menu supports multiple information stores
-GAL implemented in mySQL
-Addrbook inplemented in mySQL
-Admin menu adds user to Default GAL
-Address book is now fully working. (Implemented Modify function).
-Rewrote Reply code in email. (If message body was too big, it coulnd't be passed through the URL).
-Integrated Email with Address book (You can add recipeints to your default address book)... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-10-05

Status reports for the week of: 9/19 - 9/25

Chris Henesy:
-Updated admin tool/ui code/state database scheme to support multiple instances of each IS type

Scott Bradshaw:
-Worked on the Admin utility
-Fixed various system bugs

Jeff Coyle:
-Analyzed current Global address list UI for retooling and reprogramming.
-Brushed up on techniques to implement the JavaScript components of the GAL UI.
-paused progress on the error log files until after midterm presentation.... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-10-01

Status reports for the week of: 9/12 - 9/18

Chris Henesy:
- Found some stuff on JavaDoc style documentation for our class files
- Found some stuff on browser types and Stylesheets
- Reorganized some parts of the sourceforge project page
- Met with our advisor

Matt Roberts:
- Implemented arrays for email, calendar, addrbook, and gal IS's in
- emailIS, calendarIS, etc. are pointers to an element in the
respective arrays.
- the eriduState constructor initializes these pointers to point at the element in the arrays keyed as "Default". I chose to use this kind
of key rather than indexing by numbers to allow the user to name their different entries, thus allowing switching through a listbox containing the names, which are also the keys for the array. This should eliminate the task of mapping a name to a numerical index.... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-09-19

Status reports for the week of: 9/5 - 9/11

Chris Henesy:
Finished setting up the dev box.
Got PHP and Interbase recompiled and installed.
Found some PHP coding guidelines for the project to adopt.
Went over the personal addrbook code and checked for correctness.

Scott Bradshaw:
mySQL lib written for Auth
Admin menu fixed
putState function added to state lib

Jeff Coyle:
Designing a new look for the project web page.
Figuring how the best way to do the logging is.... read more

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-09-14

Design Completed.. Coding has begun!

We have finished doing the fundamental design of the system and have begun coding. The design is not 100% complete, but whats left are details best left to be sorted out as we encounter them.

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-06-20

Project started!

The project has been officially started today!

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-05-17