
Project Status

Well, the holidays are over, and a few of us spent some time coding and got tons of stuff accomplished. There is too much to mention it all, but there were improvements in the Calendar, E-mail, Internationalization, and error Handling and Loging.

We still have ALOT of work to do though, and are looking for serious, dedicated people who would like to contribute to the project.

Additionaly, we made some changes in our release plans. Initially, we were planing on releasing a 1.0 version with limited functionality, followed up a couple of months later by a 2.0 version that contained "all the features you could want in a groupware suite". However, we decided that that should REALLY be the goal for the 1.0 release.

What does that mean for Eridu users? Well, we will probably not be releasing a 1.0 product for 2 - 3 months. The real betas for this should start appearing about a month or so before the release. That basicly means we probably won't be releasing ANYTHING for awhile. Possibly a month or more. We'll just have to see if there is ever a point things calm down enough to do another release before the real beta run begins. In the mean time, if you REALLY can't wait, feel free to grab the latest source from CVS, just don't expect it to actually DO anything. :)

That about wraps it up for now. Don't forget to visit us on in #eridu, or on


Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2001-01-02

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