
#66 Guidelines schema generation process needs to automate addition of corresp etc


There is currently a (undocumented?) dependency in the code for generating the Guidelines schema (which adds <egXML> etc to the standard EpiDoc schema). Out of the box, the process generates a schema against which all the EpiDoc content fails, because it doesn't include @corresp, @rend, @xml:lang and @xml:space in the Examples namespace. A file "to-add-to-gl-schema.xml" contains a snippet of code to be manually pasted into the schema after generation.

We really (really really) need to fix the schema generation process so that this happens automagically, rather than by hand.


  • Elli Mylonas

    Elli Mylonas - 2014-05-29
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Hugh A. Cayless
  • Elli Mylonas

    Elli Mylonas - 2014-05-29

    Gabby, Hugh and Tom discuss and figure out solution in order to make namespaces behave

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2014-06-26

    Possibly related (if not, I'll create a new ticket for this), the Guidelines schema currently complains at every instance of an element from the Schematron and RelaxNG namespaces in the ODD (tei-epidoc.xml), which it shouldn't. Everything works, but it's a bit of an annoyance when validating (and when running the guidelines process). Could this be fixed at the same time, perhaps?

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2015-01-13

    HC and GB have a date in calendar to discuss this.

  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2015-01-22
    • status: accepted --> done
  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2015-01-22

    Fixed with [r2329].



    Commit: [r2329]

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2015-05-01
    • Group: future --> previous

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