
#113 bug in apparatus rendering: alternatives getting linebreak

old bug cleanup
xslt (27)

<app type="alternative">
<app type="BL">
<lem resp="7.232"><supplied reason="lost"><num value="10">ι</num></supplied></lem>
<rdg><num><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></num></rdg>

<app type="editorial">
<lem resp="P.Oxy. 70 4786.2-6 n."><supplied reason="lost"><num value="9">θ</num></supplied></lem>
<rdg><num><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></num></rdg></app>

Should render app crit as follows:

BL 7.232 : . Original ed. : or [θ] P.Oxy. 70 4786.2-6 n. : . Original ed.

Instead it renders:

1. or [θ] : BL 7.232: Om. Original ed.
: P.Oxy. 70 4786.2-6 n.: Om. Original ed.


Report Bugs: #111


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2011-03-23
    • assigned_to: nobody --> gabrielbodard
    • summary: another bug in App Crit rendering --> bug in apparatus rendering: alternatives getting linebreak
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2013-05-29
    • labels: example-p5-xslt -->
    • Group: --> r5
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2013-05-29

    status? relevance?

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2013-05-29
    • Group: r5 --> old bug cleanup
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2013-05-29
    • labels: --> xslt
  • Elli Mylonas

    Elli Mylonas - 2014-05-28

    Might be related to [#111] Bug in Apparatus rendering: hyphen appearing before tei:g



    Report Bugs: #111

    Last edit: Elli Mylonas 2014-05-28
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2014-05-29
    • assigned_to: BODARD Gabriel --> Hugh A. Cayless
    • Priority: 5 --> 1(low)
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2014-05-29

    I think this is fixed by IDP3 appcrit work, but needs checking. If still valid, copy to DC3 bootcamp. Either way, close this ticket?

  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2014-05-29
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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