
Exception error after creating TVGuide.mxf - exit error code 5

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2022-01-12

    I’ve been happily using EPG collector on Win 7 for several years (thanks again Steve), but I’ve just moved Win 10 and I’m struggling to load guide data.

    I’m using the latest EPG Collector V040331 Install.msi
    EPGCollector seems to collect data perfectly happily, TVGuide.mxf is created and full of guide data, then I get the following failure - output log attached below

    Creating output file: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector\TVGuide.mxf
    <e> The program has failed with an exception of type NullReferenceException
    <e> </e>
    Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    <e> ** Location: at DomainObjects.OutputFileMXF.getSeriesLink(EPGEntry epgEntry) at DomainObjects.OutputFileMXF.processSeries(XmlWriter xmlWriter)
    at DomainObjects.OutputFileMXF.Process()
    at DomainObjects.OutputFile.Process()
    at EPGCollector.Program.processTunerCollection()
    at EPGCollector.Program.runNormalCollection()
    at EPGCollector.Program.Main(String[] args)
    <e> Exiting with code = 5</e></e></e>

    Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong


    For info, I see exactly the same behavior with Win11

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2022-01-12

    Where are you collecting your data from?

    If it's not in New Zealand can you use EPG Centre to create a transport stream dump, upload it somewhere and post the link.

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2022-01-12

    Thanks for the fast response Steve
    The data is coming from Astra @ 28.2E and it's just the standard Freesat UK channels on transponder frequency 11428000. I cannot do the stream dump just now but will do it in the morning.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2022-01-12

    There's something in the FreeSat data that is causing the problem so once I can access the data I will be able to sort it out.

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2022-01-13

    I’ve not used the dump feature before , but I followed the details in the readme and generated a 250MB TS file - linked below!AlUJNtcAu3VLjakQIIbAq9LLlJiDDA?e=VSXOAK

    I hope you can access it ... and it’s what you wanted !

    As an experiment, I updated another Win 7 system to use the latest version of the collector.
    It had been collecting data perfectly well before the upgrade but had the same error afterwards - so my assumption that the issue was all because of Windows 10 was probably wrong.

    Stupidly, I had not checked which version of EPG that system had been working with, but it’s easy for me to restore it if that helps.

    Thanks for your great support, you’re a real star

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2022-01-13

    In case it helps, I’ve uploaded a copy of the .INI file I use!AlUJNtcAu3VLjakRcF566NmVXUbOLg?e=FGkXIH

    The system has a DiSEqC switch to select between Astra satellites at (for German) 19.2E & (for UK) 28.2E but I only use EPGcollector for the UK guide info - Media Centre just uses the inband guide date for the German channels so I have no need to do a separate collection for those.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2022-01-13

    Try the attached version.

    When I ran it with the ts file you created it didn't fail. I had a look at the code indicated in your post and it would fail if the programme title was missing so it's possible that FreeSat corrected the data before you created the ts file.

    Anyway, give it a go and let me know what happens. If it fails just post the log.

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2022-01-13

    Wow ... That worked perfectly :)

    I tried V040331 on the Win 7 system and it failed in the same way so I guess the guide date still has the issue
    I then tried V040332 on the same Win 7 system and it worked perfectly
    I then tried V040332 on Win10 and Win11 and both were also fine

    Their seems to a lot more output showing progress as the process executes, so in case you want to see it, I’ve put the details on OneDrive!AlUJNtcAu3VLjakScof1eRbK7Jdidw?e=U8Z8x4

    Thank you for looking at my issue so quickly and for amazingly quick analysis and solution
    .... truly impressive :)

    Kind regards


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2022-01-13

    It might be that the data changed rather than my patch of course.

    The progress display has changed because the dots display did not always work properly and sometimes the following line of text did not have a line break in front of it.

    Also FYI the buffer size used might be useful if you do large collections. EPGC has a collection buffer with a default size of 50MB. Once this buffer is full no more data is received so if your collection hasn't finished by then your data will be incomplete.

    You can change the default 50MB on the Advanced tab.

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2022-01-13

    I'm very sure it was your patch - the collection failed on the Win 7 system, I immediately installed the patch, then it worked :)
    Great job, and thanks for the comment on buffer size - I'll keep eye on that
    Thanks again for your fast analysis and the speedy solution.

    All the best



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