
??Disable in-band scanning

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2024-01-07

    Feeling more dense than usual. Have been doing xml epg import (source zap2xml) for years and everything works fine. The daily bat file exits after epgcollector.exe runs, I think, because it is returning status code "10" timing out during the in-band scans. The bat file completes normally if run from the command line but exits prematurely when run as a scheduled task. There are just a couple of file copy commands after the epgcollector program runs.

    In searching here I see references to disabling the in-band scans in wmc but not how to disable the epgc in-band scans.

    Is there a reason I still want/need the epgc in-band scans when I am importing my epg via xml?
    If not, is there a way to disable that function in epgc?

    I did see how to extend the timeout and bumped it up some without change. Preference would be to disable it all-together if it isn't needed in this scenario.

    Alternatively, in my General Windows research I see references to using "cmd /c" or "start" when launching either the scheduled bat file or the executable program within the bat file to avoid non-zero status exiting a bat file. If anyone has pertinent examples or references they would be appreciated.

    Thanks much!


    Last edit: s armstrong 2024-01-07
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2024-01-07

    Post the EPGC log.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2024-01-08

    Thanks, here it is

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2024-01-08

    Delete me


    Last edit: s armstrong 2024-01-08
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2024-01-08

    The log indicates you are collecting ATSC data from freq 57000 and it's that which is timing out after 6mins 40 secs (ie the 400 secs you have in the EPGC timeouts).

    Your post suggests you don't want to collect OTA data so just delete those parameters from the Tuning tab.

    • s armstrong

      s armstrong - 2024-01-08


      Thank you, Steve.


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