
Configure path for channel logos

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-17

    Hi There

    Hopefully i haven't missed anything, but is there a way to set the path for the cannel logos for output to the xml file.


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-17

    No but you can put your own logos in the directory used by EPGC.

    If you put the logos in ProgramData/Geekzone/EPG Collector/Images and give them the correct names which is service ID.png (eg 1035.png) then EPGC should include them in the XMLTV file.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-17

    Thanks Steve

    I was hoping to store the logos and the xml file on a network location for multiple applications to use but if the location is a local path then i guess this won't work.


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-17

    I'll put in an option so that the logos can be in the same location as the xmltv file.

    Give me a couple of days.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-17

    Awesome thanks Steve and thanks for the quick response :)

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-18

    Try the attached version.

    This version first looks in the directory I mentioned abovefor the logos but if it can't find them there it looks in a subdirectory of the directory where you are creating the xmltv file.

    So if you are outputiing the xmltv file to

    X:/Network Drive/EPG Collector

    it will look in

    X:/Network Drive/EPG Collector/Images

    for the logos and if it finds them it will put the correct links in the xmltv file.

    Also, to make it slightly easier if you are supplying your own logos, as well as looking for 'service ID.png' as the filename it now also looks for 'channel name.png'. The channel name must be the same as listed in the EPGC log (case doesn't matter).

    Note that if you are downloading the logos from with MHEG5 collection they will still be put in the directory I mentioned in my earlier post.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-18

    Hi Steve

    Thanks for the updated version, i can confirm that it works but unfortunately it looks like a limitation of Plex it does not seem to like the file src but does support https i have attached a couple of images of the xml file and plex guide, maybe as a workaroud could we have a option to set a location for the images and the xml file?



  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-18

    If you change the 'file://' to 'https://' does it work?

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-18

    Hi Steve

    If i change the xml post capture and change the path from a local or unc location to a https// location Plex will show the logo's.



  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-18

    New version attached.

    I've changed it so you can enter both the path to the directory and the prefix for the xmltv file on the Output tab. You can enter either one or both.

    If you are downloading MHEG5 logos they will go into the directory that is specified on the Output tab.

    If both new fields are left blank EPGC will function as before (ie logos downloaded or used from the data directory Images subdirectory and a prefix of file://)

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-19

    Thanks for that Steve i think we are almost there if we could make the prefix field be path to logos that gets written to the xml and that could either be a file path in which it would automatically append file:// to the front of the path or if it was https:// or http:// it would just use the path and append the png filename to the end. I think that would make it more flexible also if the path to write to xml is blank it could use the path in the channel logo path file if populated.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    Thanks again


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-19

    That's a tad confusing. Give me some examples.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-19

    Thought that might be the case, essentially i want to get around Plex only supporting https:// for a logo source so i just need a way of putting a web path in it will also have to replace spaces with %20 here is a link to the github repository that i have just created that has all the logo files here is an example of TV1 i can confim this works with plex by editing the xml file.



  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-19

    What you really need is a config file to link a web address to a channel so that EPGC can find the entry in the config file and put the matching web address in the xml file.

    The fields on the Output tab won't cut it for you. I'll have to come up with something different.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-19

    Thanks Steve appreciate it.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-20

    I was over complicating this. Try the attached version.

    There is just a logo path field on the Output tab now. If you enter something like 'https://abcd/images' EPGC will put this in the xmltv file followed by '/station name.png'.

    The station name will be uri escaped (eg space replaced by %20 if the path starts with http:// or https://.

    If the logo path field is left blank EPGC will operate as it did before we started all this.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-20

    Thanks Steve

    Just gave it a go and it almost works this is the path written to the xml it puts the wrong / and is not putting the %20 for the spaces .

    <icon src="\\TVNZ 1.png"></icon>



  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2018-12-20

    Rushing to change it and getting my backward and forward slashes mixed up. Final try attached hopefully.

    Strange that Plex doesn't support the file:// prefix. You should put in a feature request as I would have thought it was only a small change.

  • Graham Millar

    Graham Millar - 2018-12-21

    Awesome thanks Steve !!! it works a treat :)

    Thanks for all your help much appreciated.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-20

    MXF vs xml file logos?

    Apologize if I am missing this somewhere: You guys specifically are talking about creating xmlTV files and using the associated path. I'm creating from zap2it xml and going to mxf/WMC trying to replicate the same process with stored PNG logo/icon files. Tried putting them in both images & images\imports (where epgCollector puts my images) and various different naming conventions.
    Is this the portion of the EPGC log I should be looking at to determine icon/logo file names?

    06:35:04:507 Setting the unique ID's and match names for channels
    06:35:04:520 Station 2.1 KTCADT (0,2,1) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:526 Station 2.2 KTCIDT2 (0,2,2) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:531 Station 2.3 KTCIDT3 (0,2,3) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:535 Station 2.4 KTCADT4 (0,2,4) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:541 Station 2.5 KTCADT5 (0,2,5) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:546 Station 2.6 KTCIDT6 (0,2,6) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:551 Station 4.1 WCCODT (0,4,1) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:556 Station 4.2 WCCODT2 (0,4,2) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:561 Station 4.3 WCCODT3 (0,4,3) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:566 Station 5.1 KSTPDT (0,5,1) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:571 Station 5.2 KSTCDT (0,5,2) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:577 Station 5.3 KSTCDT3 (0,5,3) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:582 Station 5.4 KSTCDT2 (0,5,4) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:587 Station 5.6 KSTCDT4 (0,5,6) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:592 Station 5.7 KSTPDT2 (0,5,7) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info
    06:35:04:597 Station 9.1 WFTCDT2 (0,9,1) unique ID undefined match name undefined set using tuning info

    And/or Does this (from output mxf file) tell me that my serice IDs are s1 thru ...?

    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="1" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!2_1" service="s1" number="2">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="2" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!2_2" service="s2" number="2">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="3" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!2_3" service="s3" number="2">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="4" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!2_4" service="s4" number="2">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="5" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!2_5" service="s5" number="2">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="6" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!2_6" service="s6" number="2">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="1" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!4_1" service="s7" number="4">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="2" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!4_2" service="s8" number="4">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="3" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!4_3" service="s9" number="4">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="1" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!5_1" service="s10" number="5">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="2" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!5_2" service="s11" number="5">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="3" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!5_3" service="s12" number="5">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="4" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!5_4" service="s13" number="5">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="6" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!5_6" service="s14" number="5">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="7" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!5_7" service="s15" number="5">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="1" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_1" service="s16" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="2" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_2" service="s17" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="3" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_3" service="s18" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="4" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_4" service="s19" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="5" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_5" service="s20" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="6" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_6" service="s21" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="9" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!9_9" service="s22" number="9">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="1" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!11_1" service="s23" number="11">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="2" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!11_2" service="s24" number="11">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="3" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!11_3" service="s25" number="11">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="4" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!11_4" service="s26" number="11">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="1" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!23_1" service="s27" number="23">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="2" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!23_2" service="s28" number="23">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="3" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!23_3" service="s29" number="23">
    <channel lineup="l1" subnumber="4" uid="!Channel!MainLineup!23_4" service="s30" number="23">

          Let me know what parts of what files I can provide to help figure this out.
          I may be WAY off on how I'm trying to do this, but really am trying to figure it out.  Sorry for my denseness.
          ALSO, FYI - not sure if this is only because I don't have appropriate naming convention yet, but because I'm manually placing png files. If they are in images\imports and are "old" they seem to be deleted as part of cleanup.
          Thnks MUCH for any help!

    Last edit: s armstrong 2020-03-20
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-20

    Unfortunately the WMC import currently only caters for logos for DVB channels.

    I'll correct it in the next fixpack. It will download the images using the links in the Zap2it file if they are not already present locally.

    You will be able to supply your own if you want to as the files will be named callsign channel_subchannel.png eg DTHD 2_1.png.

  • s armstrong

    s armstrong - 2020-03-21

    Thanks Steve,

    Certainly no rush on my account. I was just frustrated that I couldn't figure it out. Glad there is a valid reason.


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