
Getting Swedish DVB-T EPG

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-02

    Hi! I've been bothered for a year now to not have EPG for all channels in WMC. Now I foumd EPG Collector, and I was happy to have found the perfect solution. But it doesn't seem to work for Swedish DVB-T. I have got EPG data for the current programme for a couple of channels once but other times I got nothing at all.

    Run/Find EPG data... says it finds on EIT now/next data so I don't know what's happening.
    I'm also using Tvheadend on a Linux machine and it always gets full 7 day EPG for the Swedish channels in addition to the domestic Finnish channels.

    Also there's one frequency missing for the station I use - Vannas Granlundsberget 786 Mhz.
    Can I add frequencies myself?

    What do you need from me to help me?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-02

    Firstly, you can edit the tuning files. They are located at

    install directory/Configuration/TuningParameters/dvbt

    The install directory is normally Program Files/Geekzone/EPG Collector.

    The files are just plain text so you can edit with Notepad etc. If you let me know the details of the update I'll put them in the normal release.

    As for the other problem, create a transport stream dump of the frequency you are using (EPG Centre will do it - 30 seconds will be enough), upload it somewhere and post the link.

    Also if you can upload the EPG Collector.log file that would be helpful as well. That's located in ProgramData/Geekzone/EPG Collector.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-03

    Ok here are the files you wanted :

    There are 2 other frequencies but we can continue with those later if we need.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-03

    I've go the files thanks.

    There does seem to be something wrong with the data collection. It's late here, I'll check it out tomorrow morning and get back to you.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-03

    Thanks! And here's the tuning parameter file with the added frequency

    Btw. I'm on Win8.1. It just struck me that maybe EPGC doesn't support that wmc version?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-03

    Does that new tuning file replace all the old Granlundsberget files? There were 16 of them.

    And no the version of Windows won't make any difference. There used to be different versions of the WMC import process for different versions of Windows but a few fixpacks ago I created a generic import that would work on any Windows version.

    I've found the original problem and will make up a fixpack later today for you to try.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-04

    Good morning :)

    About the tuning file - as far as I can see it should be the only file needed for Vannas Granlundsberget. Because on the distributor site those are the only frequencies listed for that station. I didn't add 618 Mhz because I can't tune it, but I suppose the swedes can, so you could add that last frequency. I see there are also multiple files for other swedish stations and I think all have different frequencies for different locations in the area. But looking on the site I would say there's no need for more than one file per station these days.

    You can see for yourself :

    It's in swedish but should be easy to use the map. Granlundsberget is on the northern east coast.

    I will test the fixpack later today when I get home.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-04

    I have now run on the 3 frequencies I need. Looks much better now! No errors listed while running and there is now data for the channels in the wmc epg. But after running it 2 times (first with the frequency of the ts file you got, second time with all 3 frequencies in same job) I noticed some strange "No data available" entries in the epg where they should not be.

    After the first run I got data for current and next programme for one channel. Then there were a "No data available" entry and after that entry there were again normal data in the epg. Right after that run I decided to run all 3 frequencies in one job. The result was not the same for the mentioned channel - the "No data available" entry wasn't there. Everything looked normal. Then I browsed ahead in time. Again I saw some "No data available" entries that shouldn't be there.

    Mostly it's correct for the swedish channels now, but seems the collector slips up occasionally. Or maybe it's the wmc exporter.

    Another (to me) strange behaviour I noticed is that if I run one frequency at a time the epg for the previously run frequency is cleared. Only the latest export remains. This may be ok as I'll want to run all 3 frequencies in one job anyway, but it seems unnecessary to me to touch channels in the wmc database that the current job doesn't collect epg for.

    So - very good progress, but I think there's still some minor bug in the epg gathering or export.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-04

    For the gaps try changing the Number of Retries field on the Advanced tab to 10 from 5.

    For the import problem it may be that the data for each frequency contains channel information for channels that are not on that frequency and there is no EPG for them on that frequency either. EPGC expects to find data for every channel where it receives channel information in the broadcast data.

    If you want to collect the frequencies individually use the Channels tab to do a channel scan and exclude the channels that have no data. Do this for each of your 3 sets of parameters.

    Obviously don't do this if you collect all 3 frequencies in a single run.

    I had a look at the web site you pointed me too and it looks like EPGC has far too many tuning files for Sweden. The files originally came from Myth TV so are quite old. I'll try to get them all up to date.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-05

    I changed the retries to 10 and ran the frequency for which I sent you the ts file. Didn't make it better. This time there's already "No data available" at 06:00 tomorrow and it continues the whole day until 18:00. That's not right.

    Maybe the only way you can solve this is to be able to run EPGC on these channels yourself?

    And yesterday I had run all 3 frequencies in one job. I have scanned for channels in the channels tab in all my jobs and excluded all pay channels and radio channels and the channel lists have no channels from other frequencies. After the run I describe above all channels from the other 2 frequencies were cleared in the epg. All finnish channels are untouched and I never ran EPGC for those. My guess is that you clear all channels that have Import name from Output tab set. I used same Import name in all my jobs. It's no big issue, but when I run a job that contains certain channels I expect those channels to be updated and any other channels should remain untouched.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-05

    The import should definitely not touch channels that aren't in the collection.

    You are correct about the import name. If you run them separately you must have different import names for each of the 3 runs. I think there is a comment to that effect somewhere in the ReadMe but I might be wrong.

    I could do with a longer ts file. Do the dump again but just do it for pids 0, 0x11 and 0x12 so the pid entry on the dump dialogue will be

    0x0,0x11,0x12 (and obviously tick the hex box).

    Let the dump run for at least the length of time your collections are taking, maybe even double the length of time if it doesn't make the file too big.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-05

    Ok I'll do that. But what do you mean about the length of the dump? What should I set it to?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-05

    I'm talking about the length of time for the dump to run. The default is 60 seconds on the dump dialog.

    Set it to double the length of time your collection for a single frequency takes.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2014-04-05

    Yes but I don't know how long the collection takes. Where do I see that?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-05

    There's a line in the log file right near the end of a collection that says Summary and contains some stats and the collection time.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-05

    Thanks, got it. It will be small - we didn't dump the video or audio streams this time which make up the bulk of a transport stream.

    Looking at it now but it's getting late so I probably won't post again until tomorrow.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2014-04-08

    Can you post me the log from a run where you have gaps.



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