
Guide data for BBC HD channelsl on Astra 28.2

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2024-01-29

    This is probably due to me missing something obvious, but right now, I’m stuck.
    I’ve been happily using EPG ollector for years, to get the programs guide for BBC channels on Astra 28.2
    On January 8th, the BBC stopped broadcasting SD versions of their channels – and since then, my I’ve been unable to find the guide info for the HD versions – though I’m pretty sure will be in the Freesat guide.
    Casting my mind back, I think I initially struggled to find guide date for the HD channels and just told Windows MediaCentre to use the data from the SD versions of the channels. For years that worked perfectly well, but now the guide for those channels just says “station closed – even though the HD versions carry on.

    Has anybody else has a similar issue or can set me in the right direction to work it out for myself?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2024-01-29

    If you create a transport stream dump using EPG Centre, upload it somewhere and post the link I'll take a look at the data.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2024-01-30

    You probably need to change the parameters so on the Tuning tab select the frequency in the list at the bottom, click Change then Update.

    On the dialog that appears select one of the HD areas. Then OK and Yes and Save.

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2024-01-30

    Thank you Steve,
    I'll be able to try that later today and see how it goes.
    Your help is much appreciated

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2024-01-30

    I tried that ... and it all worked out :)
    I'd never even noticed the options at the bottom of that window
    Thank you so much - your program does such a great job and you provide amazing support
    All the best

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2024-01-30

    Sadly, I was a bit too hasty thinking all was OK
    I'm away from home for the next few days so cannot experiment just now so I'll have to try again when I get back. I'll send another message if I still need support

  • Chris J

    Chris J - 2024-01-30

    There are 16 BBC 1 HD EPG entries! You can obviously "Exclude" all but your local region in the EPG Centre.

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2024-01-30

    Thanks Chris
    I noticed LOTS of BCC1HD entries but decided to include them all for now (to get it working).
    My main issue is with BBC2 and 4 - they appear in the list of stations that I COULD exclude (I don't think I do exclude them) but I cannot see them within Mediacenter
    I'm pretty sure it's something I'm doing, but I'm away from home now so cannot experiment :(

  • Martin McEntee

    Martin McEntee - 2024-02-06

    Well I'm now back home again,
    Mediacentre & EPG Collector have been doing their stuff whilst I was away - and are working perfectly.
    I've no idea what caused me to lose BBC2 and BBC4 for a few days, but whatever it was seems to have resolved itself and the guide is working perfectly so I'll leave well alone :)
    Thanks for the advice ... and for such a great program.


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