
Title & Sub Title

Chris J
  • Chris J

    Chris J - 2019-08-28

    This is mentioned several times in discussions but nothing useful. In the UK there is no standard way of transmitting the Sub-Title even on the same channel. A few channels do sometimes populate the “Sub-Title” field as the XML file created by EPG Collector does occasionally have a Sub-Title field.

    The majority of EPG items are simple and have no sub-title. However if the Title contains a “:” it can mean that the text after it is the sub-title but often not! There are various combinations used:-
    Title: Sub-Title
    Title1: Title2
    Title1: Title2: Sub-Title
    Looking at recordings made 2017/18 I do seem to have more with a Sub-Title but don’t know if they were created from the Title field by EPG Collector, my PVR software or a Sub-Title field was transmitted. I found an old topic where someone seemed to be asking if it was possible to stop EPG Collector from converting text after “:” into a Sub-Title. Is it possible to make EPG Collector extract the Sub-Title as there does not seem to be an obvious setting! If each episode has a different Sub-Title it can make it difficult to record a Series!


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2019-08-31

    Would you like an option to not search for or extract a subtitle?

  • Chris J

    Chris J - 2019-09-01

    I am confused!! Are you saying that EPG Collector should extract the Sub-Title as I was assuming it did nothing? Some of my channels have lots of Sub-Titles but dont know if they were created by the broadcaster or extracted by EPG Collector. Some channels such as all the BBC channels have no separate Sub-Titles at all which is why I assume EPG Collector is not extracting the Sub-Title.

    Until I saw a comment in an earlier post about extracting the Sub-Title I was going to get my son to write a script to do the extracting as I already use a script he wrote to remove the Series_ID as the software I use cannot use it.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2019-09-01

    You don't say what type of data you are collecting but for both EIT and OpenTV the subtitle is extracted from the description. Everything before the first colon is considered the subtitle (for EIT it needs to be between the 5th and 60th character positions).

    Any subtitle found is removed from the description unless you set the option to not remove extracted data.

    For OpenTV the country has to be set to the UK, for EIT it doesn't matter.

  • Chris J

    Chris J - 2019-09-03

    I now see the confusion as you are talking about the Sub Title in the "Description" field and I am talking about it in the "Title" field. I dont have a Freeview TV connected to a aerial but I do have a Freesat box and can see the Sub-tile in "Description" field in the EPG. As far as I can tell the BBC and some other channels never put a Sub-Title in the description.

    My interest in the Sub-Title in the Title started when I was unable to record a recent BBC series because the Sub-Title which is different for each in the series was included in the title. This is not a problem for those using a PVR as they use the Series_ID to detect a Series not the Title! Similarly we occasionally get the Title in the format "Sub-Title: Title" which my PVR software also has a problem with as it expects everything in the series to have the same "Title". Complicating things this time of year is the word "New" is so many Titles but I have EPG Collector set to remove it!

    I was unaware of the Sub-Title in the "Description" field so I will look at the problem again now I know about it! Is there an easy way to view the original TXT/XML as broadcast before EPG Collector makes changes?

    As a test I am going to ask my son to write a script to move everything after the first ":" in the Title into the "Sub-Title" field to see if it has any unwanted consequences on what is recorded!



  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2019-09-03

    So what sort of data are you collecting - FreeSat?

    There is a debug option that logs the data in the format received from the broadcaster but it produces a lot of output.

    The title field broadcast is what you see in your output with only the editing you specify (eg remove New) applied.


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