
Enter / News: Recent posts

Coding resumed

I'm gonna resume coding on Enter next week, since I realized there is still a need for an alternative login manager.

I'll keep you posted on the progress

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2010-06-11

60% finished

Around 60% of the refactoring before 0.2 is finished. What we've got so far is a brand new theme engine, new GUI handling and in the near future the authentication routines will be added.

Right now the code is lacking some key features to be able to release it. But when all pieces are put to place a pre-release will get uploaded

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-08-09

Status report

The last few months have been busy and as a result, enter hasn't seen as much improvements. But, at the time of writing, about 40% of the code has been rewritten and I hope to be able to release something soon. The next release will probably jump to 0.2.

Please continue to send in bug reports, they are always welcome!

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-07-30

Change of plans

Enter needs a new architecture in order to fully support PAM and proper privilege separation. Therefore there hasn't been any active development in the main trunk, instead a large scale refactoring of the whole software has been underway. Roughly 1/4th is complete at this stage.

The immediate benefits will be internationalization, code documented with Doxygen, testcases and a better architecture.

This will later make the implementation of privilege separation and PAM a lot smoother.... read more

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-06-22


A lot of restructuring has been going on since 0.0.9. PAM required a lot of changes to be made, so hopefully the transition will go a lot smoother when the time comes. Right now I'm focusing on cleaning up the code so 0.1 can be released.

The next release will, if everything goes as planned, be released by next month.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-05-23

PAM needs more work.

The 0.1 release has been delayed since I tried to get PAM working with it. It seems like a lot of work needs to be done before PAM support will be included with Enter.

If you have any experience with PAM, I would greatly appreciate any help.

PAM will therefore be scheduled for 0.2 as previously stated. And hopefully, 0.1 will be released soon.

The 0.1 release will also mark the move up to beta stage, from the current alpha stage.... read more

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-04-12

New release, Enter 0.0.9 is here

With this brand new release Enter uses two separate auth files, one for the server and one for the user, which gives much better security. Enter can also specify which security protocol to use at run-time.

Hope you'll like it!

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-03-26

0.0.8 is finally released!

After some `hard' work, Enter 0.0.8 was finally released. This new release is sporting MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authentication support.

Also, some fixes to the GUI code, and a new default theme was introduced!

What do you think about it?

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-03-13

Building Enter, one line at a time

After the holidays I finally picked up on Enter again. And soon, hopefully, there will be a new release.

A lot of changes has gone into the new code, most notably a new default theme. There will also be support for MIT cookies, and some GUI cleanups!

If you want to help, you can always download the SVN sources, any comments will be greatly appreciated.

If everything goes as planned, there will soon be a 0.1 release!... read more

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2007-03-02

Enter 0.0.7 is released!

This version of enter now kills all client windows after a user session. I have added manuals for `enter' as well as the configuration file `enter.conf'. And of course the various code cleanups and bug fixes!

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-12-24

Enter 0.0.6 is available.

Enter 0.0.6 is now available! A few bugs have been squashed, most notable is the double-free when typing the wrong password. And a few new features have been added as well. Amongst them is the usage of the DBE extention for double buffering.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-12-20

Santa's coming a bit early this year, 0.0.5 is released!

Enter brings you a bit of holiday spirit. Today Enter 0.0.5 was released!

This release features a few major changes. The most notably are flicker-free login- and out's.

Since some other internal functions have been changed alot, I would be grateful for any feedback.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-12-06

Enter 0.0.4 is released!

Enter 0.0.4 is now avaiable. This release features some major improvements. The project is now contained in one binarie, instead of the two previous. And a error message is displayed when an unsuccessful login was made. A bug with the display, regarding the input boxes, was also fixed.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-11-30

Enter 0.0.3 is released

Enter 0.0.3 was just released. New functionality include full support for shadow password/username authentication, and various small fixes. If you've downloaded a previous version its recommended to upgrade.

Please try it out, source is avaiable at . And don't forget to send us that sweet, sweet feedback ;-)

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-11-25

Enter 0.0.2 released!

Enter 0.0.2 is released. This minor release fixes some bugs, notably corrects the theme path in the config file.

Changes include:
- correct output when not in daemon mode (-n).
- correct pathname in config file.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-11-22

Enter 0.0.1 is released!

The first release of Enter is now avaiable. Enter is a lightweight login manager. Aiming towards speed and flexibility.

You can find more information and download the release from the official Enter web site at

This release features:
- Support for multiple image formats (through imlib2).
- A simple theme system.

Remember, this is a very early release so please report bugs/suggestions at the project page.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-11-22

New developers

New developers joined Enter. Enter is a lightweight login manager for X. Aiming towards speed flexibility and support for many different graphical environments, without depending on any specific.

We welcome two new members to the project. The codebase is maturing and the added manpower will hopefully ensure a better end product.

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-11-07

Project Created

Enter is a lightweight themeable login manager for X. Aiming towards speed flexibility and support for many different environments.

Finally approved by sourceforge!
I'v uploaded the latest sources to Subversion, but haven't made any release so far. Still some work to do. But feel free to take a look at the Subversion page!

I'm welcoming all developers who find it interesting to join the effort!... read more

Posted by Robert Knutsson 2006-10-13