
Pinentry problems

  • Paul H. Hentze

    Paul H. Hentze - 2018-04-15

    Updated, April 21, 2018
    This problem has never been solved in that sense.
    I reinstalled Debian 9 and didn't import anything. My keys were all lost and I created new ones.

    Hi folks,

    I'm having some problems with GPG right know and hope you can help me.
    Debian 9, Thunderbird 52.7.0 (64-bit), Enigmail 2.0.2, GnuPG 2.1.18

    %% ------this part here is solved, the pinentry problem is still not ----- %%
    I had a harddrive crash recently and had to set up the whole system from scratch. Because I couldn't do it properly I saved the .gnupg folder und now copied the whole thing to my new system at the same place. Since then, I can't use Mailencryption.
    I started with the faq page:
    Under 'How to analyze' I tried debugging and get

    parseErrorOutputWith: status message: 
     gpg: WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir '/home/giraffenhorde/.gnupg'

    So I fixed that with

    chown -R "$USER:$(id -gn)" ~/.gnupg
    chmod 700 ~/.gnupg
    chmod 600 ~/.gnupg/*

    from here:

    Now my secret keys are all gone.
    gpg --list-secret-keys gives no output and in enigmail this doesn't work either.
    When I want to put them in enigmail again, the system can't see them.

    Upper part was solved with this (this was a tipp from the GnuPG Users Mailinglist):

    Probably, you want to do the following (as your normal user account):
        find ~/.gnupg -type d -exec chmod 0700 '{}' ';'
        find ~/.gnupg -type f -exec chmod 0600 '{}' ';'
    if you do that, then you should be able to see some files whose names
    end in ".key" in ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/, like so:
        ls -l ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/*.key
    if that's the case, then i recommend you ask your running gpg-agent to
    shut down because it's probably confused:
       gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
    a new gpg-agent should start up again afterward as soon as you need it.
    you can also try to see which secret keys are available like this:
       gpg --with-keygrip --list-secret-keys
    You should see that the keygrips listed match the files found in the
    "ls" output above.

    %% ------this upper part here is solved, the pinentry problem down below is still not ---- %%

    %% --- this problem is still going ---- %
    I tried gpg --gen-key and got even more

     gpg: agent_genkey failed: Kein Pinentry
    Key generation failed: Kein Pinentry

    I went back to the enigmail Troubleshooting advises above under 'How to fix it' and tried further, so

    1. is good
    2. is good, I made this symlink thing, didn't help
    3. is good, in my case it's
      pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4
    4. is good, the gnupg versions are matching
    5. I don't need this one, because 4 was good they say
    6. here is where I get
      ERR 67108949 Kein Pinentry <GPG Agent="">
    7. I tried this and get that some of the code is not necessary, so in short, it is
    gpg-agent --debug-level expert /bin/sh

    and I get

    gpg-agent[9477]: enabled debug flags: cache ipc
    gpg-agent[9477]: DBG: chan_3 <- OK Pleased to meet you, process 9477
    gpg-agent[9477]: gpg-agent running and available
    gpg-agent[9477]: DBG: chan_3 -> BYE
    gpg-agent[9477]: secmem usage: 0/65536 bytes in 0 blocks

    So this debugging doesn't work somehow and there is no other terminal window which opens as they say. I always get, that pinentry is not working, but I can't say why. With this I can't sign or decrypt mails and I'm totally stuck here.

    Have you got any idea what to do?
    I could really use some help. Thanks in advance.


    Last edit: Paul H. Hentze 2018-06-23
  • Patrick Brunschwig

    There are subdirectories in ~/.gnupg - you might need to chown/chmod them as well.

  • Paul H. Hentze

    Paul H. Hentze - 2018-04-16

    I did that and it worked with the private-keys directory, on the crtls and the openpgp-revocs I got 'No permission'.
    After that I could see my private keys again with gpg --list-secret-keys
    Then I tried to import the keys again, this worked as well and now I have got the problem with pinentry again.

    Before I could get my private keys, I tried gpg --gen-key and this worked.
    Are the problems my secret keys?

    And what do I do with this pinentry thing?


    Last edit: Paul H. Hentze 2018-04-16
  • Patrick Brunschwig

    What happens if you do:

    /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4 <<EOT
    SETDESC Hello World
  • Paul H. Hentze

    Paul H. Hentze - 2018-04-16

    Works fine. I get the response in the terminal and the graphical window opens as well.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Then I'd think that gpg --gen-key should work equally. Please killall gpg-agent and try again to create a new key.

  • Paul H. Hentze

    Paul H. Hentze - 2018-04-16

    No, this doesn't work.
    As before I get

    gpg: agent_genkey failed: Kein Pinentry
    Key generation failed: Kein Pinentry

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    That's weird. I'm sorry, but I can't help you much beyond this point. I'd suggest asking the mailing list. I'm sure the GnuPG developers have some more ideas than me, and I'll be eager to see their answer.

  • danielv

    danielv - 2018-04-22

    First part is for Mr. Brunschwig, second part is for Mr. Hentze...

    First part
    I have a question about the link, i.e.

    When I click on that it doesn't go to the precise area where I think Mr. Hentze is referring to...
    Am I not doing something correctly ? If I go to, this takes me to the same area. Is it possible to do something about this, i.e. have the link go to the precise area? Thanks

    Second part
    Can you please claify what issue(s) you're still having, i.e are you unable to sign emails?

    Did you already do the following?
    You should always add the following lines to your .bashrc or whatever initialization file is used for all shell invocations:

    export GPG_TTY

    Daniel Villarreal


    Last edit: danielv 2018-04-22
    • Patrick Brunschwig

      I have a question about the link, i.e.

      When I click on that it doesn't go to the precise area where I think Mr.
      Hentze is referring to...
      If I go to,
      this takes me to the same area. Is it possible to do something about
      this, i.e. have the link go to the precise area? Thanks

      No that's not possible. I already asked the developer of the "FAQ Tool".

    • Paul H. Hentze

      Paul H. Hentze - 2018-04-23

      Second part
      Can you please claify what issue(s) you're still having, i.e are you unable to sign emails?
      Ok. I can encrypt mails but I can't sign or decrypt mails, cause there would be pinentry needed to open a graphic window where I can give in my key. This doesn't work.
      Equally I can't use gpg --gen-key as I wrote above.

      Did you already do the following?
      You should always add the following lines to your .bashrc or whatever initialization file is used for all shell invocations:
      export GPG_TTY
      Yes I did all this. The problem seems not to be the the gpg-agent.
      And the code down below is already part of my .bashrc .

      Have you got any further ideas?


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