
Pinentry Mac keeps popping up

  • ¿K?

    ¿K? - 2016-06-30

    Hi all,

    I'm using Mac OS 10.11.5
    Thunderbird 45.1.1
    Don't know how to find out my version of Enigmail

    Very annoyingly, as I'm deep in concentration and composing a beautifully crafted email, a window entitled "Pinentry Mac" keeps popping up and requiring my passphrase.

    It just pops up randomly and repeatedly even though the email isn't signed, encrypted and I don't wish to sign or encrypt it.

    Any suggestions?

    I also keep getting...

    GnuPG cannot query your passphrase via pinentry.
    This is a system setup or configuration error that prevents Enigmail from working properly and cannot be fixed automatically.
    We strongly recommend that you consult our support web site at


    • Rob

      Rob - 2016-06-30

      Very annoyingly, as I'm deep in concentration and composing a
      beautifully crafted email, a window entitled "Pinentry Mac" keeps
      popping up and requiring my passphrase.

      This is a known issue. It happens when you receive an encrypted email
      (regardless of whether you're currently viewing it -- it triggers when
      you receive it). Thunderbird hands the newly-arrived email off to
      Enigmail, which sees it's encrypted, which hands it off to GnuPG, which
      in turn puts up the passphrase prompt.

      Unfortunately, it's not practical for us to address this. For us to do
      that would require diving pretty deeply into Thunderbird's internals,
      and maybe even make modifications to Thunderbird itself.

      • ¿K?

        ¿K? - 2016-06-30

        Hi Rob, Thanks for your reply.

        I'm not convinced it's happening when I receive an encrypted mail. I literally am the only person I know who even knows about GPG/encrypted email and so on (I installed it out of curiosity for these things - and to be ready for when the lizards take over of course :-)). So no one ever sends me encrypted mail.

        I've noticed something (interesting?) though, if the email I'm viewing/replying to has inline images, just as the pinentry pops up all the images disappear and are replaced by placeholder icons.

        Also, sometimes I have to enter my (long and difficult to type) password three of four times immediately after one another. I'm definitely not getting three of four encrypted emails in quick succession.

        More thoughts?


  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer


    it's not only the reception of encrypted mails which triggers decryption and then Pinentry. Thunderbird has an indexing service running in the background and reading all your stored mails. This service is called "Global Search and Indexer" and is on by default. To change this, go to Thunderbird -> Preferences, "Advanced" Tab, "General" Radio button, in the lower third section "Advanced Configuration".

    If disabling the indexing service doesn't help, then we would need a Debug log in order to analyze this.

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Oh, wait, I still have a question: Which time did you set in Enigmail preferences in "Remember passphrase for .... minutes of idle time"?


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