
#687 Enigmail hanging on send - Thunderbird 52.1.1

send mail (1)
Lee Roder

My Thunderbird version recently updated to 52.1.1. Since then, I am unable to send PGP encrypted emails. Basically, when I click send, I am presented with the 'Sending Message' dialog and it never completes - the progress bar just keeps rolling across the screen. After I press 'cancel', I am returned to my message, but the Send button is now grayed out. Even clicking the padlock to unlock and send unencrypted does not 'un-gray' the Send button.

There is a bizarre workaround that i believe the typcial user would not try - if I copy the body of an email that will not send, close that compose window, open a new window, create a message to the same recipient with the same subject, and paste the body, I can send successfully. I have verified that sending unenrypted emails works fine, as does receiving both encrypted and unencrypted emails.

A log file is attached. Please let me know if I can pass on any additional information!

1 Attachments


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  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Leon, when this happens, do you see any type of exception or error message in the Thunderbird error console (menu Tools > Developer Tools > Error Console)?

  • Leon

    Leon - 2017-07-05

    the error occurred again, directly after opening Thunderbird.
    In the Error Console (see attached image) there are 4 JS-Errors. The first two directly after opening Thunderbird. The last two appeared after I have opened the Enigmail-Log.
    No other error messages were displayed :(

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Hi Leon, these two can be ignored. I'm getting these also and the rest of Enigmail is working. Did you try Enigmail

  • Leon

    Leon - 2017-07-12

    Hi Ludwig,
    I am currently using the inofficial version
    That is working fine!
    I could update to but not until I am home from holiday :)

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Apart from the build date (and the version number), and are identical.

  • spmcc123

    spmcc123 - 2017-07-26

    Hi Patrick et al

    I am having same issues as original poster (Leo). TB 52.2.1 on OSX 10.11.6 (El Capitan). About a week or so ago Enigmail hung while sending. Have installed Enigmail 1.9.8-a4, but now get this message:
    Enigmail Confirm
    Error in Enigmail; Encryption/signing failed; send unencrypted message?

    Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling plug-in. Attached is the Enigmail Debug Log and parts from the TB Error Console. Any advice/instructions appreciated

  • spmcc123

    spmcc123 - 2017-07-26

    Update: I seem to be getting the new error message (encryption/signing failed) because all keys have now disappeared. Enigmail is hung Loading keys (some 30' now for perhaps 150 keys). (Still has my key pair, it appears). Also, attached are files I forgot to upload with last message

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Please try to avoid mixing topics. Obviously a new error message during the send process is not the same as the send process hanging entirely. As you also have other issues concerning loading of keys in the support forum, it's much more likely that the sudden new errors you have a correlated.

  • Martin Zahradník

    I'm glad the bug is gone. Thanks to all

  • F. Kadifeli

    F. Kadifeli - 2019-05-01

    This error started today. Ubuntu 19.04. Thunderbird 60.6.1 (64-bit). Enigmail 2.0.10.
    Thunderbird hangs when trying to send e-mail. Killing gpg-agent, restarting Thunderbir and retrying does not solve the problem.


    TypeError: err.exception is null[Learn More]  pEpAdapter.jsm:685:7

    Line of code generating the message:

      EnigmailLog.DEBUG(err.code + ": " + ("exception" in err ? err.exception.toString() : err.message) + "\n");
  • Pedro Magalhães

    I'm also having this problem now and I noticed I'm getting the same error as F. Kadifeli though I'm using Debian Stretch. I've disabled Enigmail and now I can send regular emails but this obviously not good enough.

  • F. Kadifeli

    F. Kadifeli - 2019-05-24

    So, removing some .bkp files from ~/.gnupg/ folder seems to be a workaround. I decided to add this to my computer's start script:

    rm /home/*/.gnupg/gpg*.conf.?[01234].pep.bkp  ## will delete almost half of .bkp files
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