
Engines of War / News: Recent posts

News update on Moddb

Posted by SeanHeron 2010-01-25

Progress update

We certainly still have plenty of explaining the game concept to do - but for now lets plunge right in with a progress report!

Artwork: We have quite a few models now - if you wait a bit, you should be able to check out some of the models Bobs put together on the gallery here (they're well worth a look!). There's so many, we're not going to settle for DotA's "same old boring creeps" all game long, but have increasingly tougher (and cooler :P) tiers!... read more

Posted by SeanHeron 2010-01-11

Away we roar!

Well - we've been lacking on news the past few days - but roaring ahead making stuff - the game is starting to become playable!
Bob has set up a massive load of units in an incredibly short period of time - huge Kudos for that!
Nothing to release yet - but if your interested, it's well worth checking out our Game folder now: - definitly runs with the latest version of Spring. More soon, I'm sure!

Posted by SeanHeron 2010-01-09

Game Outline uploaded

Seeing that the first questions are being asked about the game, I've thrown together a bullet point outline of the game - to be found under files.
A nicer, more readable version should be up tomorrow. See you then!

Posted by SeanHeron 2010-01-02

Renewed activity ?

Well - I miserably failed at meating my own challenge - oh well. But with some outside encouragement (and helping hand), we might just see some new activity here .... :) ! We shall see !

Posted by SeanHeron 2009-12-28

Challenge to myself !

At the start of this week I told my flat-mate I expected to have the very basics of Engines of War running by the weeks end - bases for the two opposing teams, creeps/pawns charging at each other, and player controlled engine(s). Not that it would really be very enjoyable yet, but playable in principle.
So far, I've come no closer to this - the question is whether this will change before the days end!? Watch this space to find out :).
P.S. an added difficulty is I wanted to help out a different Spring game developer as well...

Posted by SeanHeron 2009-09-13

Engines of War now as Standalone in SVN

Thanks to the available Spring Portable Folder, Engines of War is now in Standalone form in SVN!
This is not only handy for people wanting to try the game (just one download), but also allows for far more configuration control :). So we can ensure a very shiny game is released in the end, (not the somewhat shambles that the normal Spring Engine download gives you).
Still haven't refactored the Cam widget - been busy lending someone else a hand with SpringLua - but most of it is stuff that should benefit Engines of War in the end!
Oh, I almost forgot! Of course there's now also a map included - it's just a placeholder, but it's quite a nice one - many thanks to Smoth (creator of Gundam RTS), who has released this under the GNU GPL!

Posted by SeanHeron 2009-09-02

Map-edge widget usable!

As promised, some more news!

One of the biggest non-polish things of Spring is that you can just scroll past the map edge and then see the ugly blue (or some other color) void below. To address this I've been working on a widget that restricts your camera mobility so that you'll never see the edge. It only works for a strictly top down angle angle at the moment, and I still have to reimplement movement via mapclick - other that, it's ready to use, and I played a game of Spring: 1944 just yesterday using it (and won :P - but by a hairs breadth).
Not sure what to attack next (though giving this the final touches or implementing it engine-side would probably be a good idea...).
Seeya round!

Posted by SeanHeron 2009-08-18

DnTA revived as - Engines of War - !

Hey Everyone!
After half a years being dormant, and a recent flash of inspiration (actually a few hours of very creative thought!) what was formerly DnTA has now grown into "Engines of War" - and with the name change has moved to here.
I've not imported the old SVN though, as the old project hadn't gotten very far, andI wanted to start out fresh.
So far I've been mostly working on a few small "polish" elements (you think this is premature ?? :P ) - for example the game menu can now be started with a new feature of the "SpringLobby" - a nice background pic (to be seen in the screenshots).
It's showing of Busan, by the way - I think I've not mentioned that that's designated field of combat for the first release "Battle for Busan" !
So - hopefully more news soon, if development continues at the current pace !
I already have some rough design docs and thoughts written up, should be uploading them here soon.<br>
Link to old project:

Posted by SeanHeron 2009-08-16