
Maven EMMA Plugin Rewrite Released

A from-scratch rewrite of the Maven EMMA plugin has been released. For details, see the Maven-generated site for the plugin:

Please try it out and give me (Chad aka thewoolleyman) any feedback. It is now architected based on the Maven Clover plugin, which has been around for a while and seems to work well.

A couple of notes:

1.The maven documentation site is available here: I tried to do a thorough job on the docs, suggestions for improvement are welcome.

2. The plugin WILL be available on the central ibiblio repository, however the upload request has not yet been filled. Until then, it is available at a repository hosted on the EMMA website, here: . You can add this to your local repo list, or install it manually (instructions on plugin docs site above)

3. One of the major changes is to have the default behavior of the plugin NOT overwrite original classes with instrumented classes, which has been a request.

4. Everything should be completely configurable via plugin properties or the very-flexible standard EMMA property-specification mechanisms.

5. Installation is now much more standard, and the procedure is documented on the maven docs home page.

I've tested this some on local projects, and it works for me. If you want to run instrumented jars in a container, you will obviously need EMMA on your classpath, but for plain unit-test-time reporting on a simple non-container project, you should not need to explicitly add EMMA as a dependency.

Enjoy, and give my any feedback you have. Please use the sourceforge tools to report any known bugs or enhancement requests.


Posted by Chad Woolley 2005-07-30

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