
EMMA 2.0.4208 released

Release 2.0.4208 contains minor code refactorings and bug fixes.


976873 instrumenting classloader should define Packages

A small enhancement that improves compatibility between emmarun and
uninstrumented runtimes.


962009 not implemented
979976 "properties" attribute of <emma> not implemented

Although documented in the reference manual, support for setting a block of
tool properties via JVM property was omitted from the
first public release. This gap has now been closed. As EMMA acquires more
and more settings, users should find it more convenient to be able to
externalize their configurations in a properties file (as opposed to setting
them one by one) that could be pointed to by (previously
this has been possible only by placing such a file in the classpath).

The second issue was not stricly a bug, but it complements the first one
when using EMMA in ANT: it is now possible to load a block of properties by
specifying properties='...file...' attribute on the top-level <emma>
task. These properties cascade down to (and can be overridden by)
<instr>, <report>, etc subtasks and their nested elements.

Posted by Vlad Roubtsov 2004-07-09

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