
EMMA 2.0.4127 released

EMMA is a fast Java code coverage tool based on bytecode instrumentation. It differs from the existing tools by enabling coverage profiling on large scale enterprise software projects with simultaneous emphasis on fast individual development.

Release 2.0.4127 fixes a bug in the implementation of feature request 971176 and significantly improves classloading in EMMA's shutdown hook responsible for coverage data dumping.


978671 classloading problem in RT exit hook thread

Although not a strictly supported scenario, it occurred to me that I can fix the issues users experience when deploying emma.jar as an application-level (not container-level) lib in a J2EE application (that is, without installing it as a standard JRE extension as required by the documentation). The solution is interesting technically, but has only been tested in a scenario
that simulates a J2EE container. I would be most curious to see if it works with WebLogic, Websphere, etc.

979717 Source not linking in EMMA report

This corrects an embarrassing mistake in how sample classes without full debug info are listed by the report generators. Unfortunately, the bug in
build 4120 made tracking down classes compiled without debug info more difficult than no output at all. I hope this build resolves the issue for good.

You can find a copy of this latest release here:

Posted by Vlad Roubtsov 2004-06-28

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