[EMMA-announce] EMMA 2.0.4217 released
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From: <vl...@tr...> - 2004-07-19 03:01:34
Release 2.0.4217 contains bug fixes and various low-hanging fruit improvements. The codebase is being moved closer to being a better starting point for the future 2.1 branch. FEATURE REQUESTS IMPLEMENTED: 975695 silent mode for data collection 979973 logging infrastructure enhancements There have been several requests for a feature to silence logging in EMMA-instrumented classes (used by builds that validate stdout output). This has been implemented. Additionally, log output from EMMA runtime used to omit "EMMA:" prefix. This has been corrected and can be used for simple grep filtering of EMMA output as well. The documentation has been updated to reflected new verbosity-related properties, but briefly you can use several mechanism to control EMMA verbosity: (1) a JVM system property: java -Demma.verbosity.level={silent,quiet,info,verbose} (2) property "verbosity.level" set in a classpath resource "emma.properties" or in a file pointed to by -Demma.properties JVM system setting (3) for EMMA ANT tasks you can (additionally) set verbosity via a new task attribute "verbosity" of <emma>, <emmarun>, <instr>, <report>, <merge>. Note that different subtasks can have their verbosities set to different level. In other words, the new property follows the usual EMMA property inheritance mechanism. 988785 improve instr output dir validation To prevent users from mistakenly asking EMMA to output intrumented classes in a directory that appears in the input path, the instr tool will now validate that the output dir does not have one of the input dirs as its parent. DEFECTS FIXED: 988160 Negative number displayed in report for line % The fix removes an int multiplication overflow when a coverage report is generated for a very large codebase (thousands of classes). 989071 incremental instrumentation disabled for jar input Unnoticed until now, the instr tool used incorrectly formed output file descriptors when detecting whether instrumented classes were more recent than the source files. As a result, the output classes were always regenerated (this happened for jar inputs only). Cheers, Vlad. |