
#92 EMMA API for instrumentation of the byte[] for a single file

next release build


I am trying to use EMMA instrumentation in quite
complex system. I have a lot of class loaders that
have their own custom class loading logic. I want to
use on the flay EMMA instrumentation on the class
loading level. I need to instrument the classes byte[]
before defining them with
defineClass#java.lang.ClassLoader. It is not possible
with EMMA API. I have only offline jar instrumentation
and on the fly instrumentation which is limited to
resources that are loaded by EMMA custom class loader.
It will be great if EMMA provides API for
instrumentation of the byte[] of a single class. So I
can use it in my custom class loaders. In this way
EMMA instrumentation easily could be applied to all
classes loaded in the system. Offline instrumentation
is not fully applicable because I have some classes
that are generated runtime (they are not available in
the jar files before running the system). My goal is
to get their code coverage measurement also.
I think that this feature will be very useful for many
teams that are using complex systems and want to get
code coverage on the fly. I hope I will get your
answer soon.

Best Regards,
Vasil Vasilev


  • Vasil Vasilev

    Vasil Vasilev - 2006-01-10
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Vasil Vasilev

    Vasil Vasilev - 2007-04-02

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I do not need this feature anymore...

    All the best,


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