
XML report format

  • gdein

    gdein - 2004-11-29

    I m just trying to use the xml report to work on my coverage data but I find the format quite inconvenient.

    I rather suggest a format does not add % and , characters to the coverage attributes. This makes it a lot easier to work with XPath and XSLT

    you might consider a format like this for one of the next releases:

        <all name="all classes">
          <classcoverage count="185" covered="185"/>
          <methodcoverage count="2061" covered="1345"/>
          <blockcoverage count="74846" covered="44997"/>
          <linecoverage count="13135" covered="8346.3"/>

    you might want to add a ratio attribute but I don't think this is necessary. Also using separate element names for the differnt coverage types is useful - also it is faster and easier to access with xPath this way.

    Let me know what you think,



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