
How to publish EMMA Maven plugin?

  • Vlad Roubtsov

    Vlad Roubtsov - 2004-07-06

    Currently, emma.jar and emma_ant.jar are always released in sync. Should we do the same with Maven plugin jar?

    Also, emma.jar represents the product core and emma_ant.jar is the ANT task implementation. The two jars don't overlap in content. Should we follow the same pattern with Maven plugin?

    • Stéphan Mestach

      in fact the plugin need an update only if :
        - the emma ant tasks "signatures" change.
        - emma "version" change
             (project.xml dependencies)

      the first point is required... the second point can be changed by property files but need "manual" manipulation of the plugin ressources.

      it's perhaps preferable to follow the same pattern. But you will need to integrate/synchronize the 3 builds.


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