
Detailed XML reports with line numbers

  • Aslak Hellesřy

    Aslak Hellesřy - 2004-10-04

    Is there a way to generate XML reports that contain information about each individual line - whether it was executed or not? (Similar to Clover and JCoverage's xml reports).

    I couldn't figure out how to do this.

    (I am planning to add EMMA support in Guantanamo -\)


    • Vlad Roubtsov

      Vlad Roubtsov - 2004-10-04

      The current XML report (v2.0) can't be made to contain individual line information (I didn't anticipate this would be useful).

      I knew the XML format would need to be extended/modified to support some useful integrations. There were discussions about this soon after EMMA was released. However, the users that wanted this never responded to my requests for explaining what specific format they needed.

      Note that EMMA has no knowledge about source code lines that are not executable (the ones that are not colored in EMMA's HTML report). Clover parses source code so it can have that info. Jcoverage is another bytecode instrumentation tool, so it would be in the same boat as EMMA.

      Thus, I need a DTD, a schema, or at least an XML snippet to understand what output format you are asking for.


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