
No coverage report with JBoss JVM

  • emmaGuy

    emmaGuy - 2010-11-08

    Hello Folks,

      I followed the steps outlined below, but still jboss does not create coverage report on shutdown.

      1. instrument in place (overwrite mode) all the jars
      2. deploy instrumented jars
      3. Specify in JVM args for JBoss (-Demma.coverage.out.file=…. )
      3. restart server and run application
      4. on junit logs I see Emma: runtime controller started on 47653
      5. Now I shutdown JBoss , but don't find anywhere

    Any help ?

  • Onkar Shinde

    Onkar Shinde - 2010-11-24

    In case you are still looking for reply …
    The coverage file is created in the folder from which JVM started. This in jboss' case means the jboss/bin folder (unless you are using very different launch method).

    Other method is to use the latest build of emma (2.1.5320). This build has remote control functionality using which you can retrieve the coverage data from a running instance of jboss. We are using this method at work and it works as advertised.

  • emmaGuy

    emmaGuy - 2010-11-29

    Thanks !

    I figured that out.
    The JBoss was being terminated instead of clean shutdown. So, it could not start the emma dump.

    It works well now


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