
App-server coverage report - keep pinging ?

  • emmaGuy

    emmaGuy - 2010-11-05

    Hi ,

      I am using ctl from command line to fetch coverage report from application server.
      But, looks like I have to keep pinging with this command line option to fetch coverage as more and more tests run.

      Is there no way, that emma (running in jvm of app-server), keeps sending statistics to a common file, so I don't have to keep asking about its statistics ?


  • emmaGuy

    emmaGuy - 2010-11-08

    I tried giving arguments -Demma.coverage.out.file=….. to the JBoss JVM , but it would not collect coverage on shutdown.
    I perform jboss shutdown and no application-server coverage information is collected.

    Any pointers ?

    thanks in advance


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