Dean Hiller - 2004-09-12

1. download buildtemplate.jar from

2. run "java -jar buildtemplate.jar -directory <newdir>"

3. put your source code in <newdir>/input/javasrc
(default package doesn't work at this time, sorry...must have or or
        a. If you have 3rd party libs, put them in <newdir>/input/lib directory.

4. run build or build.bat from <newdir>  Check for the results in <newdir>/output/codecoverage

Nothing could be more simple!!!!!!! until AI of course.

Not only did you just get emma, but versioning of your jar as well...try java -jar <newdir>/output/jardist/projectname.jar -version

NOTE: if you would have done ./build -Dversion=xxx, it would say xxx instead of Developer version.

You can also try ./build -projecthelp to see what other goodies are there for free.  Kind of an interesting little project.