Raj Shukla - 2013-09-03

We are using EMMA to get the runtime coverage reports for an application deployed on multiple JBOSS appservers.

Application code is instrumented offline and metadata file is generated.This instrumented code is then deployed on server.

We have scheduled the run time coverage report generation using below command. which gives us coverage report of testing every hour .

java emma ctl -connect localhost:47653 coverage.get,mycoverage.ec (command to get the coverage dump)
java emma report -r html -in coverage.em,coverage.ec -sp src/ (command to generate coverage report)
the whole setup works fine for some time, coverage dump and reports are generated properly but suddenly it stops working with below error while report generation.There is no new deployement on server and neither the server is restarted.


EMMA: processing input files ...
EMMA: 2 file(s) read and merged in 140 ms
com.vladium.emma.EMMARuntimeException: [CLASS_STAMP_MISMATCH] runtime version of class [wenrgise.hospital.webtier.form.HospitalAttEmpAttQueryForm] in the coverage data is not consistent with the version of this class in the metadata, possibly because stale metadata is being used for report generation.
at com.vladium.emma.report.ReportDataModel.getView(ReportDataModel.java:95)
at com.vladium.emma.report.AbstractReportGenerator.initialize(AbstractReportGenerator.java:210)
at com.vladium.emma.report.xml.ReportGenerator.process(ReportGenerator.java:64)
at com.vladium.emma.report.ReportProcessor._run(ReportProcessor.java:255)
at com.vladium.emma.Processor.run(Processor.java:88)
at com.vladium.emma.report.reportCommand.run(reportCommand.java:139)
at emma.main(emma.java:50)

it gives error at the time of report generation .ec file are generating fine
there is no change in any file in server. and I am unable to track the error.

Please Help