
How to measure coverage in Target device?

  • Young ho Nam

    Young ho Nam - 2011-03-09

    Hello, I'm newbie.

    I want to measure coverage in target device.
    something like when I click some button, the code will be covered.

    Is it possible? if so, Can I receive some help or example ??


  • Ernest Quintin

    Ernest Quintin - 2011-03-10

    I think some more info is needed.  Do you mean you wrote the Java code on, say, a Windows workstation and it runs under Solaris?
    In any case, compile with all debug enabled.  Make emma part of the classpath, and any button click should result in code coverage.  Please realize that I am greatly oversimplifying here.  I suggest that you "read the manual".  All the instructions are there.  Like all, or at least most, user guides, it takes some work to understand.

  • Young ho Nam

    Young ho Nam - 2011-03-11

    Thanks for reply. My Android App java code is developed under Windows 7.

    My questions are below :
    first . I want to know how to insert debug-apk file on target device and where.
    second. Do you let me know where is manual?

    Best Regards.


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