
HTML report styles

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I just tried out Emma and I have to say I am very impressed. I had it integrated into my Ant build script within about five minutes, producing coverage reports and everything just worked - so many thanks for such a great tool.

    However, I think the HTML report looks a little ugly in my browser. I'd basically like to see everything except the source code listing in a non-fixed-width font.

    It would be really nice if the report contained CSS styles and you could specify in the html report an external style sheet to link to so we could customise the report a little bit.

    Is anything like this possible?

    Thanks again!

    • Vlad Roubtsov

      Vlad Roubtsov - 2004-10-04

      The HTML report currently is indeed styled via CSS. However, the stylesheet is embedded in every report page and is not configuable externally.

      This is covered by this RFE:
      Not sure yet whether this will be addressed in v2.1 or later versions.

      • Michael Giroux

        Michael Giroux - 2004-10-04

        When generating the reports from an ANT script, you could use a second task that replaces the CSS that EMMA generated with a CSS that the project uses as a standard.

        After the emma task, add an ANT <copy> task.


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