
failed to load Main-Class manifest

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am getting on running EMMA according to the instructions, but I am getting errors ... on running
    java -cp emma.jar emmarun -jar  a.jar

    ANy help ....

    public class ABC
        public static void main(String []args)
        int i=0;
        for (i=0;i<100;i++)
        int sum=0;

    jar cvf a.jar ABC.class

    java -cp emma.jar emmarun -jar  a.jar

    [EMMA v2.0, build 4217]
    emmarun: failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from [C:\Downloads\Emma\a.jar]

    • Dean Hiller

      Dean Hiller - 2005-01-21

      look at your manifest and copy it into this thread.  It maybe doesn't have a Main-Class entry????

    • Vlad Roubtsov

      Vlad Roubtsov - 2005-02-01


      Your problem has nothing to do with EMMA. Because your jar command

      >jar cvf a.jar ABC.class

      does not create a proper manifest with Main-Class attribute, everything will fail even with EMMA out of the picture (try "java -jar a.jar" and you will see a similar error message from the JVM itself).

      For your reference, "-jar" option (EMMA's or original JVM's) only works if the jar manifest points to a class with main() method:


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