
Error running emma command line tutorial

  • mjenkins

    mjenkins - 2013-06-22

    I can run the compiled program java -cp out Main and it gives me the proper output
    main(): running doSearch()...
    main(): done

    when I move onto the next step of including emmarun it gives me this output

    EMMA: no coverage data collected at runtime [all reports will be empty]
    EMMA: writing [txt] report to [/home/maria/Desktop/emma-2.0.5312/examples/coverage.txt] ...
    [EMMA v2.0, build 5312]
    emmarun: [MAIN_METHOD_NOT_FOUND] application class [Main] does not have a runnable public main() method

    I am wondering if anyone can shed any light on this error for me, I am new to CS and code coverage


    • Ernest Quintin

      Ernest Quintin - 2013-06-22

      Now maybe you did this but - did you instrument the program before trying to run it with EMMA? See Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the EMMA User's Guide.

      AND, did you download Version 2.1.5320? It works better than previous versions, especially when you get to doing large pieces of code with many classes.

      • mjenkins

        mjenkins - 2013-06-24

        I downloaded 2.1.5320 and I cant seem to find the example files to run the command line tutorial.

  • Bobby

    Bobby - 2014-05-27

    Was this ever fixed or resolved? i'm having this same problem -.-


    Last edit: Bobby 2014-05-27
  • Eugene Kotlyarov

    Post awaiting moderation.

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